Title: Dr. Laurence Fendrich - Writer
1Dr. Laurence Fendrich
Dentist Writer DMD Dental, Tufts University
School of Medicine
2Dr. Laurence Fendrich is one of the most
sought-after dentists in the city. He has managed
to raise the bar with impressive services.
3He makes sure to provide the best services to his
patients, he cares for his patients and wants
them to get the best services available.
4Dr. Fendrich marked his steps in the writing
world with a book called Painless Dentistry It
Really Does Happen. The book covers everything
about IV Sedation dentistry.
5In the book, Dr. Fendrich explains what IV
Sedation dentistry is, how its used in dentistry
and its many benefits.
6He also writes articles on the benefits of
cosmetic, implant and sedation dentistry for
multiple publications including Atlantic
Magazine, Bella Magazine and the online journal,
7Dr. Laurence Fendrich's dental practice focuses
on reconstructive, cosmetic, implant and sedation
dentistry. His dental expertise include full and
partial mouth reconstruction, porcelain veneers,
dental implants, cosmetic dentistry and IV
8Dr. Laurence Fendrich currently maintains his
active dental license in the States of Florida,
New York, and Pennsylvania.