Title: Chiropractic Massage Therapy for Repetitive Injuries
1Chiropractic Massage Therapy for Repetitive
Injuries Have you ever met with an accident in
past that trouble you now and then? In that
case, you may go for massage therapy provided by
a chiropractor. This provides instant relief from
the injury pain. The best part of this therapy
is, it is not only safe for health, but it is
also very comfortable.
The injuries of the musculoskeletal and nervous
systems are repetitive strain injuries. These
injuries may occur because of forceful
exertions, mechanical compression against the
hard surface, repetitive tasks, vibrations, or
awkward positions. The therapy of chiropractic
massage in Glendale focuses mainly on the cause
of musculoskeletal dysfunction in place of giving
pain relief to the patient. As chiropractic
treatment uses numerous procedures and methods
to find and eliminate the real cause of the
pain. While treating the pain, Chiropractor
ensures to support the repair mechanism of the
2Massage therapy Chiropractic massage therapy, in
normal terms, is a combination of chiropractic
care with massage therapy both combinations are
applied to the targeted point to give a proper
relief to the patient from the pain.
Chiropractors give massage to the targeted point
by using the body parts such as palm, fingers,
knuckles, elbow, and so on. They work on
different layers of tissues within the body. For
the treating the repetitive injuries,
Chiropractic massage therapy is extremely
effective. Repetitive injuries commonly occur in
sports or work-related persons. Chiropractic
massage therapy is very effective in treating
the problems such as postural restrictions, back
pain, whiplash, stress anxiety, tension
headaches, depression, poor circulation, muscle
spasm or contraction, irritable bowel syndrome
and so on.
A famous technique of chiropractic massage
therapy is deep- tissue massage, it helps in
improving inappropriate pattern movement by
bringing back the chronically tensed muscles to a
normal condition. Deep tissue massage also helps
in improving circulation and mobility of the
3For treating repetitive injury cases, another
form of chiropractic therapy i.e., myofascial
release massage is used by the chiropractors.
This massage therapy is a non-oil technique where
stretches and pressure are applied to the fascia
and muscles. The pressure and stretches help to
relieve the tension and pain and the lengthening
the fascia allows the muscles to regain the
original position, function, and
length. Acupressure is also used by the
chiropractors. In this technique, a digital
pressure is applied to a specific point which is
actually restricting the movement of the body.
Acupressure therapy is extremely effective in
treating repetitive injuries. If there is any
condition associated with trauma or poor posture,
acupressure is the treatment that is usually
prescribed by the physicians to go for. For More
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