Title: Migraine Headache By DiseaseFix
1Migraine Headache
By DiseaseFix
2What is migraine?
Migraine is a genetic neurological disease that
is characterized by episodes of pain.
3How common is migraine?
- It is a common disease
- There are about 100 million people with headaches
in the U.S. according to reports - About 37 million of these people have migraines.
4Migraine is more common in women
Yes, thats true. It is more common in men than
in women The World Health Organization (WHO)
says that 18 of women and 7 percent of men in
the U.S. suffer with migraines.
5Nature of migraine pain (headache)
- Some migraines cause pain on only the right side
or the left side of the head - Some migraines cause pain all over
- The intensity of pain is moderate to severe
- People are not able to perform activities
because of the severity of the pain - Read about migraine symptoms
6Migraine Headache is a Primary Headache?
The pain in migraine isnt caused by another
disorder or disease such as a brain cancer or
injury etc. Therefore, migraine pain is called
primary headache.
7How long do migraines last?
- The pain usually last at least four hours
- It may last for several days also in some cases
- The time a person experiences the pain is
actually longer than the actual duration of the
attack because there is a pre-monitory or
build-up phase and a post-drome phase that may
last a few days
8About people who suffer with migraine
- Migraines occur mostly in women
- Lowest income groups are affected the most
- Caucasian people are at higher risk
- It is more common in people of age group between
35 and 55
9Are you at risk of migraines?
Different people have different triggers of
migraine attacks. Some are at higher risk than
others. You might also be at risk of migraine
particularly if you are a woman of age between
35-55. Read here about migraine causes.
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