Title: PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning/tutorilarank.com
1PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning/
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2PROJ 586course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Final Exam Set 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com PROJ 586
Final Exam Set 1 1. (TCO A) In the _____
organization structure, the project manager is
responsible for the project results, whereas the
functional manager is responsible for providing
the resources needed to achieve the results. 2.
(TCO H) What is the longest phase of the project
life cycle?
3PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Final Exam Set 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com PROJ 586
Final Exam Set 2 1. (TCO A) In a _____
organization, the project manager does not have
complete authority over the project team. 2.
(TCO H) What is the longest phase of the project
life cycle? 3. (TCO B) A(n) _____ is defined as
a piece of work that consumes time.
4PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Final Exam Set 3 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com PROJ 586
Final Exam Set 3 1. (TCO A) The most common
types of organization structures are _____. 2.
(TCO H) This first phase of the project life
cycle involves the _____. 3. (TCO B) The lowest
level item of any one branch of the WBS is called
a(n) _____.
5PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 1 Project Charter For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Week 1
Project Guidelines - Charter For this Course
Project, you may choose a project that is of
interest to you, or you may choose one to assist
you in your senior project. When selecting a
project, avoid picking one that is either too big
or too small. For example, do not decide to build
a new stadium for your local sports team (too
big) or to plant your summer garden (too small).
Projects may vary from a few hundred thousand
dollars to a few million dollars. Projects should
last somewhere between 6 months and 2 years. Be
sure your selection is an actual project and not
routine work. Pick a project you have some
experience and familiarity.
6PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 1 Quiz For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com PROJ 586 Week 1
Quiz 1. (TCO A) This layer
is responsible for the physical medium (wired ,
wireless, copper, fiber, etc...). Question 2.
(TCO A) In which layer of the
Internet model would the HTTP standard be
used? Question 3. (TCO A) Which
of the following is not true about ISO
7PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 2 Project Guidelines Scope
Statement and WBS For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Week 2 Project
Guidelines - Scope Statement and WBS
Congratulations, your project charter was
approved by management or the projects customer.
It is now time to write the project scope
statement. This week's lecture will be of great
help in creating this document. Please read the
lecture before starting this assignment. Project
Scope Statement
8PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
- PROJ 586 Week 2 Quiz
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.tutorialrank.com
- PROJ 586 Week 2 Quiz
- (TCO B) Which of the following media can best
withstand harsh environmental conditions? - Question 2. (TCO B) Which of the
following would be considered a type of wireless
media? - Question 3. (TCO B) Which of the
following media has the lowest error rates and
the highest transmission speeds? -
9PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 3 Essay Question For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Step 3
Answer the Following Essay Questions Now that
your project schedule has been created and your
resources have been allocated, please analyze
your results and answer the following essay
questions. In your analysis, be sure to identify
the critical path and relate any time reduction
opportunities to specific activities in the WBS.
10PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 3 Homework AIB Problems For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
PROJ 586 Week 3 Homework AIB Problems
11PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 3 Project Guidelines Microsoft
Project For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com This Tutorial
contains mpp file only Week 3 Project Guidelines
Microsoft Project Congratulations! You have
just completed the project charter and scope
statement. Now that you know what needs to be
done, as the Project Manager, you are now ready
to begin planning your project schedule. This
week, you will have two deliverables to complete
for the project. Using MS Project, create a
project schedule and align resources35 points
12PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 3 Quiz For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com PROJ 586 Week 3
Quiz Question 1. (TCO B) A TCP/IPv4 address
looks like Question 2. (TCO B)
The newer form of IP, version 6 (Ipv6), Question
3. (TCO B) Dynamic addressing
13PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 4 Essay Question For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Step 3
Answer the Following Essay Questions Answer the
Following Essay QuestionsNow that your project
schedule has been created, your resources have
been loaded, and your resource costs have been
allocated, please analyze your results and answer
the following questions. After you enter all of
your resources, answer the following questions.
14PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 4 Homework EV Problems For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com In
this homework assignment, you will be working
through two crashing problems and four earned
value problems. All the information you need is
included within this Homework packet. Make sure
you answer all parts of the questions in their
entirety. Once you have worked through the
problems, please post your responses to the
Dropbox. Please refer to the course Syllabus for
the due date. PROBLEM 1 Use the network diagram
below and the additional information provided to
answer the corresponding questions. 15 points
15PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 4 Update Microsoft Project For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
This Tutorial contains mpp file only Week 4
Update Microsoft Project Most projects have
fixed costs to account for. These are such things
as mortgages and other costs that do not change
with production. Fixed costs need to be accounted
for in projects. If your project has fixed costs,
follow the following steps. Step1 Update
Microsoft Project with Fixed Cost
Information Resource Fixed Cost List Instructions
Microsoft Project 2013
16PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 5 Course Project risk matrix For
more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
Week 5 Course Project Deliverables Great job
planning out your project, so far! You and your
project team are well underway with planning your
project, and you know that it is very important
to perform risk management. This week, there is
one deliverable Create risk matrix, and address
how risk response plans would be addressed - 20
17PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 6 Course Projectcommunication plan
and meeting agenda For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Week 6 Course
Project Deliverables Wow! Your project is moving
along nicely. Now let's look at communications
and meetings for your project. This week, there
are two deliverables. Create communication
plandiscuss the types of meetings that would be
needed - 15 points Create a meeting agenda for a
status or progress meeting with your team - 15
18PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
PROJ 586 Week 7 Course Projectorganizational
structure and self reflection For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Week 7
Course Project Deliverables Wow! Your project
has been successfully planned, and you are ready
to move into the performing stage! Before you do,
take a closer look at how this project is fitting
into the broader organizational structure, and
how you see this project being structured within
the organization.This week, there are two
deliverables Discuss the organizational
structure and how this may have helped the
project - 20 points
19PROJ 586 course Marvelous Learning /
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....