Title: CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist / cis336study.com
1CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist /
2 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Final Exam (Feb 2016) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com Question 1. 1. (TCO
1) A DBMS performs several important functions
that guarantee the integrity and consistency of
the data in the database. Which of the following
is NOT one of those functions?
3 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Final Exam 1 (Devry) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com 1. (TCO 1) Most DBMS
are referred to as _____________database
management systems. (Points 4) elemental linked
4 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Final Exam 2 (Devry) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com 1. (TCO 1) Most DBMS
are referred to as _____________database
management systems. (Points 4) elemental linked
5 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Final Exam 3 (Devry) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com 1. (TCO 2) Explain
what physical independence means. (Points
15) 2. (TCO 8) Sally wants to query the EMP table
and determine how many of the employees live in
each of the cities the company has factories in.
She writes the following query but it does not
work. What is wrong with the way the query is
6 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Final Exam 4 (Devry) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com 1. (TCO 7) For every
order, list the order number, order date, part
number, part description, and item class for each
part that makes up the order.
7 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
www.cis336study.com This project is designed
to touch all aspects of the fundamental concepts
of database design and logical data modeling
covered during the class. Each student will be
responsible for designing, developing, and
demonstrating the functionality of a database
created based on a set of business
8 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 iLab 1 Normal Forms and Entity
Relationship Diagrams FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cis336study.com CIS336 Lab 1 Normal Forms
and Entity Relationship Diagrams Introduction In
this exercise, you will analyze a de-normalized
data set presented in the form of a spreadsheet.
You will next construct a series of dependency
diagrams, transforming the evolving data model
from First Normal Form (1NF), to Second Normal
Form (2NF), and finally to Third Normal Form
9 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 iLab 2 The Expanded Entity Relationship
www.cis336study.com CIS336 Lab 2 The Expanded
Entity Relationship Diagram LAB OVERVIEW Scenario
and Summary This lab introduces the next step in
creating a data model, the Entity Relationship
Diagram (ERD). You will be given a business
scenario for a
10 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 iLab 3 Building the Physical FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS-336 Lab
3 Building the Physical LAB OVERVIEW Scenario
and Summary The lab for this week addresses
taking a logical database design (data model) and
transforming it into a
11 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 iLab 4 Introduction to Select, Insert,
Update, and Delete Statements (only SQL Command,
www.cis336study.com CIS336 Lab 4
Introduction to Select, Insert, Update, and
Delete Statements LAB OVERVIEW Lab 4 will
introduce the various aspects of the SQL select
statement and the methods of retrieving data from
the database tables. This lab will also
12 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 iLab 5 Joining Tables FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS336 Lab5
Joining Tables LAB OVERVIEW Scenario and
Summary Lab 5 will introduce the concept of
multi-table JOINS in order to work with data in
two or more related tables simultaneously. This
lab may be
13 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 iLab7 Working with Views FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS-336
Lab7 Working with Views LAB OVERVIEW Lab 7 will
introduce the concept of database views. This lab
may be completed using either DeVrysOmnymbus
14 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 1 Discussion 1 Social Information
Technology (IT) and Business Frameworks FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS 336
Week 1 Discussion 1 "Social Information
Technology (IT) and Business Frameworks" Please
respond to the following
15 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 1 Discussion 2 Resources Frameworks
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 1 Discussion
2 "Resources Frameworks and Plenitude" Please
respond to the following One might argue
that value is not always realized when using
resource-based view (RBV) framework, especially
when considering the IT infrastructure
16 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 2 Assignment 1 Models for
Competitive Dynamics FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 2 Assignment
1 Models for Competitive Dynamics Assignment 1
Models for Competitive Dynamics Due Week 2 and
worth 100 points Competition has, since the 90s,
led to wider gaps between industry leaders and
laggards. There are more winner-take-all
environments and greater churns among industry
sector rivals. We have witnessed sharp increases
in quality and quantity of IT (Information
Technology) investments. Weve seen
17 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 2 Discussion 1 Organization
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 2 Discussion
1 "Organization Structures" Please respond to the
following Suppose that you were creating a new
global organization. The new organization will
provide Information Technology (IT)
infrastructure consulting
18 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 2 Discussion 2 Results-Only Work
Environment (ROWE) and Instant Messaging (IM)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS
336 Week 2 Discussion 2 "Results-Only Work
Environment (ROWE) and Instant Messaging (IM)"
Please respond to the following Suppose you
worked for a company that uses ROWE. Predict
whether you would be more productive or less
productive, and explain why.
19 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 2 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com Question 1.
(TCO 1) Raw facts, such as a telephone
number, a birth date, and a customer name, are
also referred to as _____ Question 2.
(TCO 1) The DBMS allows you to
extrapolate information from your data by using a
_____ Question 3. (TCO 1) A
database row (record) consists of _____
20 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 3 Discussion 1 Agility and Business
Process Management (BPM)" FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 3
Discussion 1 "Agility and Business Process
Management (BPM)" Please respond to the
following Suppose that an organization did not
use processes that were designed and built to be
agile, particularly when it comes to IS / IT
technologies. Predict the
21 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 3 Discussion 2 The Impact of
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 3 Discussion
2 "The Impact of Crowdsourcing" Please respond to
the following
22 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 3 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com Question 1.
(TCO 3) When designing a database, you
should _____ Question 2. (TCO
3) A table that is in 1NF and includes no partial
dependencies only is said to be in _____
23 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 4 Assignment 2 Telecommuting and the
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 4 Assignment
2 Telecommuting and the Mobile Worker Assignment
2 Telecommuting and the Mobile Worker Due Week 4
and worth 100 points
24 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 4 Discussion 1 Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) or Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)" FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS 336
Week 4 Discussion 1 "Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
or Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)"Please
respond to the following
25 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 4 Discussion 2 Virtualization and
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 4 Discussion
2 "Virtualization and Cloud Computing" Please
respond to the following Suggest how an
organization should choose between Software as a
Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Support your
recommendation with an explanation.
26 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 4 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com Question 1.
(TCO 7) Which of the following types of
columns will automatically right-align the data
when it is displayed? Question 2.
(TCO 7) Which of the following symbols can
be used to denote that any and all characters
following the sign are eligible when used with
27 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 5 Discussion 1 Business Costs FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS 336
Week 5 Discussion 1 "Business Costs" Please
respond to the following Imagine that you are
the head of a department and your organization
uses a chargeback funding method. Chargeback
systems are popular for managing
28 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 5 Discussion 2 Information
Technology (IT) Dashboards FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 5
Discussion 2 "Information Technology (IT)
Dashboards" Please respond to the following
Evaluate the ways that IT dashboards provide
meaningful data or information to the
organizations executives. Determine the best
ways to use an IT
29 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 5 Midterm Exam FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com Get questions from
Link These are 2 different sets in link
30 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 5 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com Question 1.
(TCO 8) The ____ set operator in SQL
combines rows from two queries and returns only
the values that are common between the two sets.
Question 2. (TCO 8) Which SQL
function converts a value to a particular string
31 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 6 Assignment 3 IT Support for
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 6 Assignment
3 IT Support for Virtual Teams Assignment 3 IT
Support for Virtual Teams Due Week 6 and worth
100 points
32 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 6 Discussion 1 Compliance FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week
6 Discussion 1"Compliance" Please respond to the
following Examine the SarbanesOxley Act
(SOX). In your opinion, determine whether SOX has
been able to achieve what it was intended to do
and if it has reduced the unethical business
practices that led to its enactment. Provide two
examples to support your reasoning.
33 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 6 Discussion 2 Control Objectives
for Information and Related Technology (COBIT)
and Information Technology Infrastructure Library
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 6 Discussion
2 "Control Objectives for Information and Related
Technology (COBIT) and Information Technology
Infrastructure Library (ITIL)" Please respond to
the following
34 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 6 Quiz (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis336study.com Question 1.
(TCO 6) Which of the following
keywords can be used to change the size,
datatype, or default value of an existing
35 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 7 Assignment 4 Virtualization and
Cloud Computing World FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week 7 Assignment
4 Virtualization and Cloud Computing
World Assignment 4 Virtualization and Cloud
Computing World Due Week 7 and worth 100 points
36 CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist
CIS 336 Week 7 Discussion 1 Build or Buy and
Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)" FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis336study.com CIS 336 Week
7 Discussion 1 "Build or Buy and Service-Level
Agreements (SLAs)" Please respond to the
following Suppose, as a Chief Information
Officer (CIO), you were asked to provide the
organization with time-entry system for the
employees. Examine the
37CIS 336 STUDY Education Specialist /