Title: Global Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Market
1World Cryptocurrency Industry Trends
2- Global cryptocurrency market by market cap of
major players, Global bitcoin market by revenue,
by bitcoin circulation and revenue from mining,
segment (by volume of trade in exchanges, by use
of bitcoin, mining facilities around the globe),
Global bitcoin mining market (by type of mining,
exchanges, matrix for bitcoin mining pool and
type of payment methods) and Competitive
landscape of major mining pools including
AntPool, F2Pool, BitFury, BTCC Pool, BW.com,
ViaBTC, SlushPool, HaoBTC, BTC.com and 1Hash. - Global Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin market value
has augmented positively majorly owing to
increasing acceptance of cryptocurrency by
merchants and shopkeepers. Users majorly witness
cryptocurrency as a lucrative form of investment
which has aided market growth over the years. - Global Bitcoin market is majorly propelled on
account of highly volatile price which is
attracting new users and is backed up with low
transaction cost and instant transfer at a very
minimal fee.
3A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to
work as a medium of exchange using cryptography
to secure the transactions and to control the
creation of additional units of the currency. The
prominence and popularity of crypto currency
technology quickly spread through the general
public as means to store and to transfer wealth,
as well as engage in secure e-commerce. Growth in
the crypto currency market has been driven
largely by venture capitalists investing in
technology infrastructure, and other investors
seeking to profit from price fluctuations, rather
than by consumers actually using crypto currency.
Venture capitalists with formidable experience
investing in the technology sector have been
pouring capital into the market, expecting that
consumer demand will drive future growth of this
market, resulting in huge market growth.
4Increasing investment in cryptocurrency has
positive correlation with increasing revenues of
global bitcoin and cryptocurrency market.
Awareness about cryptocurrency continues to grow
as governments are forming regulations regarding
the usage of cryptocurrency. Minimal transaction
fees and almost instant transfer has aided the
overall bitcoin market growth over the years. The
blockchain technology used in mining bitcoins has
increased prominence over the years which have
increased the interest of users in the bitcoin
5Increasing global retail e-commerce, increasing
price of bitcoin and bitcoin block rewards are
some other key factors that may have positive
impact on the market creating additional and
replacement demand in the future, according to
the Analyst at Ken Research. Ken Research in its
latest study, Global Cryptocurrency Market by
Market Capitalization of Major Cryptocurrencies
(Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Dash,
Litecoin, Monero, NEM and Others), by Mining
Facilities and by Use of Bitcoin Outlook to
2022, suggested that demand for cryptocurrency in
the market will grow manifold in the future years
albeit with restrictive government policies to
consider the digital currencies as a legal
tender. The digital currency market has crossed
the all time high of USD 300 billion in terms
market cap as of December 2017.
6- For more information on the research report,
refer to below link - https//www.kenresearch.com/banking-financial-serv
in-cryptocurrency-market/142285-93.html -
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