Title: Cosmetic Surgery in Chandigarh
1Liposuction in Chandigarh
2Cosmetic Surgery in Chandigarh
Cosmetic surgery is where a person chooses to
have an operation, or invasive medical procedure,
to change their physical appearance for cosmetic
rather than medical reasons. Non-surgical
cosmetic procedures, such as Botox and dermal
fillers - typically used to relax or fill crease
lines - do not involve surgery. If you have had
burns or other injuries, were born with a birth
defect, or want to change parts of your body for
other reasons, you may choose to have a cosmetic
surgery or procedure. Everyone wants to enhance
and reconstruct their looks and one can get them
through top Cosmetic Surgery in Chandigarh.
3Gynecomastia Surgery in Chandigarh
There are many ways to get rid of man breast fat
naturally, but, Gynecomastia is something that is
not related to fat accumulation and you should
opt for the Gyno surgery in order to remove the
gland or breast tissue. This is actually a
relatively common situation where the breasts of
men or boys enlarge. Both men and women have
breast glands, but in most men its not
noticeable. By the time boys reach adulthood, the
issue resolves itself in more than nine out of
ten cases.
4Gynecomastia Treatment in Chandigarh
Gynecomastia Treatment in Chandigarh, India
typically takes an average of two hours, using
general or local anesthesia. If there is
unnecessary glandular tissue, fat and skin, it
has to be removed. Gynecomastia process may be
performed alone or in combination with
lipoplasty, where the suction device will
normally be inserted via the existing incisions.
For the elimination of excess fatty tissue alone,
liposuction may be all that is required in such
circumstances, scars will be small and hardly
5Contact us
Dr. Kalia Cosmetic Surgery Clinic SCO 326, Sector
40-D, Chandigarh Mobile 91-0-
81462-66227 Email ID- drdeepakkalia_at_gmail.com