Title: Compass Recovery | Methadone Detox Treatments | Detox treatments
- The best alcohol rehab for you
At Compass Recovery, our team of experts and
specialists are able to provide each client with
freedom from addiction and aid them in
discovering their true purpose. We are located in
Orange County, only minutes from the Beach.
Compass has the perfect setting for you and your
loved ones to get well.
2Recovery from alcohol abuse
- Experienced in treating addiction to alcohol 1/2
Addiction to alcohol is still a very significant
health problem in the United States. The most
recent statistics show that 18 million Americans
over the age of 18 have an alcohol use disorder.
Worse than that, alcohol is also one of the
deadliest substances in the world. Its estimated
that over 88,000 deaths are attributed to alcohol
every year in the U.S. alone. Some of these
deaths are traffic-related fatalities, but others
are due to chronic liver disease, heart problems,
and even brain damage through long-term
alcoholism. People use alcohol for a variety of
different reasons. Some use it as a method to
cope with stress. Others see it as a way to feel
good and socialize with friends. Theres a fine
line, however, between having a drink with a
friend and binging to the point of losing
control. So, how do you know when you have a
problem with alcohol? Start by asking yourself
some of the following questions
3Recovery from alcohol abuse
- Experienced in treating addiction to alcoholÂ
- Do you binge drink? Binging is generally
considered to be five or more alcoholic beverages
within a two-hour timeframe, and done solely for
the purpose of inebriation or getting drunk. - Do you continue to drink alcohol, even after it
has proven to cause serious problems with family
and friends? - Have you given up on other activities that you
once enjoyed in favor of drinking alcohol more
often? - Has drinking alcohol affected your ability to
work, take care of your family, or be accountable
at home? - Do you experience withdrawal symptoms, such as
shaking, irritability, restlessness, or
depression when the effects of alcohol begin to
wear off? - If you feel like alcohol is controlling you, and
affecting your ability to live your life the way
you want, then you should seek help from a
quality addiction treatment center.
4Recovery from alcohol abuse
- Call anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our
skilled staff is available to answer any
questions and help families and potential clients
alike know where to begin. - Telephone (855) 204-7053
- Website https//compass-recovery.com/
- Social https//www.facebook.com/compassrecoveryce
nter/ https//twitter.com/Compass_Recover