Title: Seven Hills Hospitals and Dr. Archana Mahato
1Seven Hills Hospitals and Dr. Archana Mahato
2Seven Hills Hospitals is a human services point
of interest and a commonly recognized name for
quality medicinal services to more than 50
million individuals crosswise over - Andhra
Pradesh, Bihar, Chattisgarh Jharkhand, Odisha,
and parts of West Bengal. We at present have
branches in Mumbai and Visakhapatnam. SevenHills
Hospital is a multispeciality clinic with more
than two many years of involvement in the social
insurance division, and is known for giving
quality medicinal services and important
experience to all household and universal
patients. Our social insurance offerings are
upheld by a group of sympathetic and committed
restorative experts who have rich information and
involvement in their separate areas.
3Dr. Archana Mahato has over 10 years of
experience of training in Corporate Hospital. She
is spent significant time in overseeing high
hazard Obstetrics cases, Bad Obstetrics cases,
Intertility, High hazard Gynaec Surgeries,
Gynecological malignancy surgery, Gynaec
Endoscopy surgeries, Menopacnal lady mind, All
family arranging systems and Sterilization method
You can get the telephone number of Dr. Archana
Mahato on www.elawoman.com
4 Contact Us
For More Information, please Visit
www.elawoman.com OR Call At
91 78 999 126 11