Title: The holiday season in india
1The Holiday Season in India
- www.mayura.ca
(905) 451-6161
2India is a melting pot of multicultural
celebrations that being in October and continue
through the New Year. As India was once a British
colony, some of the traditions celebrated today
stem from English culture, as well as from the
(905) 451-6161
3One of the biggest celebrations everyone enjoys
is Diwali or Dipawali. It is the one of the most
important Indian holidays of the entire year.
While it is primarily a Hindi holiday, people
from all religions partake in the celebrations,
whether they are Christian, Buddhists, Jains, or
(905) 451-6161
4Like other Indian celebrations, there are bright
colours and lights to mark the occasion, which
runs for five days. The celebration start date
changes each year and is either in October or
November. Plus, depending on where one lives in
India, the official starting date varies
sometimes by a few days to several weeks.
(905) 451-6161
5The celebration involves decorating the home with
candles set in clay pots or using clay lamps.
Families also use coloured sand to create Rangoli
art, which are bright coloured patterns created
on the floor during the celebration.
(905) 451-6161
6On the third day, families gather together for
prayers during Lakshmi puja. Afterwards is when
everyone gets together to celebrate with food,
large feasts, and fireworks. On the fourth day
of Diwali, families visit friends, relatives and
their neighbours and bring gifts, often different
types of foods, treats, and snacks, as they wish
them well for the coming year.
(905) 451-6161
7On the last day of the celebration, brothers will
visit their married sisters. Their sisters
welcome them into their homes and prepare and
feed them an extravagant meal. Diwali is normally
the start of the holiday season celebrations in
(905) 451-6161
8India also has a considerable Christian
population, so Christmas is also a favourite
holiday. Just like other celebrations, there are
bright colours and lights to mark the holiday.
Families will hand-make decorations and ornaments
in all different sizes, shapes, and colours.
(905) 451-6161
9You can never have enough lights in multiple
colours too! Many families will also put up a
Christmas tree and decorate their entire homes
inside and out.
(905) 451-6161
10Food is a major part of holiday celebrations in
India and Christmas is no exception. Treats
shared and enjoyed include kidiyo, deep fried
curled dough covered with icing sugar, and
kuswar, which can include rose cookies and
fruitcakes. Sweet dumplings are also a favourite
and are stuffed with coconut and palm sugar,
along with sesame seeds.
(905) 451-6161
11Christmas Eve dinners and Christmas Day lunches
are marked by chicken curries, Durka Mass, which
is a pork curry, Biryani made with lamb or
chicken, and Sannas, which are steamed rice
cakes. On Christmas Day families venture out to
visit friends and neighbors and bring them treats
and food as gifts.
(905) 451-6161
12As you can see food is a central part of the
holiday season in India. If you would like to
experience some of the flavourful holiday foods
eaten in India during the holidays, please feel
free to visit Mayura Inspired Indian Dining or
contact us at (905) 451-6161- to make a
reservation or inquire about our private dining
options. Source - http//www.mayura.ca/holiday-
(905) 451-6161