Title: Jeffrey Petersen - Principal Lawyer
1- Jeffrey Petersen Attorney
2Jeffrey Petersen Attorney
3- Principal lawyer at Law Offices of Jeffrey T.
Petersen Former partner at KL Gates
Graduated from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison Juris Doctor (J.D.) Law from
Georgetown University Law Center
4The man of many talents, Jeffrey Petersen
Attorney has managed to climb the ladder of
success with sheer hard work and dedication.
5In 2005, Jeffrey Petersen Lawyer started serving
as a partner at a leading firm KL Gates. He
served at the firm until 2012. The firm is one of
the best law firms in the world. Jeffrey
Peterson's dedication and hard work helped the
firm achieve global success. KL Gates is
currently one of the largest law firms in the
world. It has 49 offices and over 2000 practicing
attorneys in the World.
6Jeffrey Petersen Attorney is currently running
his own firm since 2014. He helps firms to raise
sales and funds for their businesses. The firm
covers transactional matters, including
acquisitions, divestitures, affiliations, joint
ventures and other strategic transactions. He
assists emerging companies with formation,
intellectual property protection and funding.
Jeffrey Petersen Lawyer has also worked for
several celebrities in the past. He has served
many celebrities, solving their legal monetary
issues with media houses and groups.
8- Jeffrey Petersen graduated from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison and received his law degree
from Georgetown University Law Center