Title: Hot Dogs in the Making
Do you ever wonder how hotdogs are made and
where did they even originate? Hot dogs have
been around for some time now and are a very
popular and easy food to make and there is a
ton of recipes to choose from. They are also
known for the contest people hold that
consist of many you can eat and the longest hot
dogs on the planet!
The Start of the Hotdog Empire Hotdogs were
originally called the Frankfurter. It has
nicknames like the wien er or franks. It has
always been placed between a steaming but has
changed over time to being used in beans and
wrapped in dough and baked calling them pigs
in a blanket. The Frankfurt names comes from
Germany and often refers to the sausage but
the Weiner name come from Vienna, Austria.
Johann Lahner was an 18th century butcher and
is claimed to be the person who brought the
hotdog from Frankfurt Germany to Vienna,
Austria. In 1904 Antoin Ludwig started
selling the hotdogs in buns at the Worlds Fair
making big profit but in 1916 Nathan
Handwerker was said to go into business selling
the hotdogs and putting them on the map. No
one really knows what started the big deal with
hotdogs, they just kind of took off. There are
several different sources that say many
different stories. Perhaps they all just like
the hotdog and started spreading its goodness
by making a buck.
2What is in the Hotdogs? Hotdogs have been
known to have a bad name, but they really are
no t what people think they are. They say that
the making is gross, but it is no different
than any other processing. They consist of meat
trimming and seasonings such as garlic and
salt. They have fat trimmings also which
helps with flavor. Beef and pork are the two
most common meats used in hotdogs, but certain
manufacturers have been known to use chicken
in them too, but you can always opt out for
the 100 beef. They used to be encased with the
natural sheep intestine to hold the meat
together but now they mainly use starch. There is
also another type you can get that is with
no casing at all, but they are much easier to
process with the casing. How Do You Like
Yours? You can get a variety of condiments on
your hot dog. You can get onions, Cole slaw,
horseradish, pickles, chili, mustard, ketchup,
mayo, hotdog spread, and so much more. The
list goes on and on. You can make you
with all the stuff you love, and they are
simple and easy to make. I am hungry just
thinking about them!
Source h t t p / / w w w . i d e a e n g i n e
b l o g . c o m / 2 0 1 7 / 1 1 / h o t - d o g s
- in- m a k i n g . h t m l