Title: Porcelain Veneers vs. Crowns
1Porcelain Veneers vs. Crowns
In your attempt to achieve a great
esthetic appearance, you cannot ignore the
need to have a beautiful set of teeth. Some
people are lucky enough to be born with awesome
teeth but even these with time might fall victim
to the many dental problems that affect teeth
today. Darkening, cracking, chipping and even
misalignment are just a few of the many
conditions that may make one seek dental
correction services. There are a number of
procedures that dentists across the globe use
to fix such problems chief among them being
porcelain veneers and crowns. Making a choice
between these two is not really that
different as they have distinct pros and
cons. You should understand what procedure your
teeth need and using the information on these two
options that you can easily get from such
resources as the Internet choose your poison. The
following a number of factors to be considered in
making a choice between crowns and dental
veneers. Condition of the lingual surface This
basically refers to the part of the teeth that
facing inwards towards the tongue and the oral
cavity. Porcelain veneers requires the lingual
surface to be intact for best result. This may
wear out as a result of dental carries and other
dental problems. In cases where the lingual
surface is worn out, dentists usually recommends
crowns to be used. Severity of Dental Carries
2Dental carries simply refer to tooth decay
or cavities. Where dental carries are
severe and significant, veneers might not be the
best option. They bond better in teeth with
minimal dental carries. Here too, you will be
advised to make use of crowns. The thickness of
the enamel Fitting veneers requires removal of
some enamel and fitting of veneer with the same
thickness as the enamel removed. In some patients
however, you will find very thin enamel thus
removing might make the teeth too delicate to
sustain veneers. Some people also have enamel
that wears off or is eroded over time. For such,
crowns will be preferred to porcelain
veneers. Stability of the Occlusion Occlusion
simply refers to the contact between the
mandibular and the maxillary teeth. Veneers are
usually fitted where the occlusion is
fairly stable, for occlusion that require
significant modification ahead of the procedure,
crowns will work best. Teeth Significantly
Malposition Clausal contact and stability can be
better achieved with dental crowns. Rotten teeth
often have lingual surface in abnormal occlusion
relationships. Veneers work best where there is
no need of repositioning the major
teeth. Matching the Color of the Veneers and
Crowns Porcelain veneers mimic the color of
natural teeth but in most cases, it is possible
for people to notice the difference between your
natural teeth and the teeth with the veneers.
They should be strongly considered during
treatment planning. If aesthetic requirements
are high, best results will be achieved by
placing crowns. When treating just one tooth,
it you will require crowns. Veneers will show
the difference in teeth color which is not a
pleasant appearance. Article Source