Training the sub-concious mind for success - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Training the sub-concious mind for success


The subconscious mind is that part of the mind that is utilized for the storage and retrieval of data. The mind is divided into three parts: · 1. Subconscious 2. Conscious 3. Unconscious The primary key to attain success in life is by the removal of “fear of failure” from your system – mentally and spiritually – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Training the sub-concious mind for success

How to train for success with the power of
Sub-Conscious Mind
  • Negative thoughts stick around because we
    believe them, not because we want them or choose

  •        Andrew Bernstein

  • The subconscious mind is that part of the mind
    that is utilized for the storage and retrieval of
    data. The mind is divided into three parts
  • Subconscious
  •       Conscious
  •          Unconscious

  • A well-formulated synchronization of the above
    creates an individuals reality. Hence, the
    knowledge and control if received can enhance
    your personality and create a healthy and
    positive life for you, massively shunning all
    your bad habits!
  • How to gain this control?
  • The primary key to attain success in life is
    by the removal of fear of failure from your
    system mentally and spiritually.

  • Below are 3 main key steps which can be exercised
    in order to gain control over the sub conscious
  • Þ Learn to Sort things in life
  • Þ Reminders, Beliefs Visualization
  • Þ    Meditation

 Learn To Sort Things In Life
  • Your mind is deeply influenced by your emotions.
    Daily routine can be hectic, but it is important
    that you take out some time to sit back and
    introspect about each element and circumstance in
    your life at each time period. Sorting out of
    problems or unresolved issues by listing them out
    separately and working on them can help reduce
    your stress, add quality to your positivity and
    help you focus better. It would sharpen your
    analytical skills, put them to the right use i.e.
    with yourself minimize the anxiety, stress and
    negativity in your life and help you move forward
    with enthusiasm and a hunger to do better.

Reminders, Beliefs Visualization
  • They say that our reality is what we frame and
    aim for. Either ways, it is important to
    embroider your visualizations about certain
    circumstances or goals such that your
    subconscious mind ravels the positivity just as
    you believed in it into reality! Try to set
    classy and exciting goals in life and develop a
    fire of passion that you believe will help you
    win through. Keep reminding yourself of your
    worth and to stay collected in times of trouble.
    It is vital to learn about how to be emotionally
    intelligent, and these are the basic steps that
    lead you to a better future.

  • Meditation refers to a mental, written or spoken
    form of conveying and expressing thoughts and
    honest opinions on a particular event, subject or
    circumstance with a clear and quiet mind. Try
    to widen the horizons of your mind and expand
    your views about everything. Practice focusing on
    on thing at a time to maximize and strengthen
    your mental focus and achieve the sole cognitive

  • An individual does not possess a control over
    emotions like fear, anxiety, depression, anger
    etc. but is capable enough to restrain and edge
    certain natural desires of the subconscious mind
    sudden triggers of emotions. For instance, do
    you recollect the launch of lets say your
    favorite clothing chains new seasonal
    collection which you gain knowledge about by
    seeing its classy and baroque advertisement. This
    is a clear example of making an attempt to
    manipulate the subconscious mind. The
    advertisement is made such that the viewers give
    it full attention, following their subconscious
    minds to either gain control over them and draw
    them to make a purchase or choose to neglect the
    ad in the first place.

  • Regular practice of daily readings brain
    exercises can help you achieve your goals in your
    best self however, you have to ensure that you
    take positivity along with you wherever you go.
    It will help you balance well and sustain through
    all aspects of life in an efficient manner. 
  • For a workshop on How to train for success with
    the power of Sub-Conscious Mind, you can email us
    on or you can speak to the
    therapist and trainer on 91- 9930010740
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