Title: Long-term and short-term insurance
1Different Insurance Schemes Allows An Individual
To Be Free From Worries During Their Old Age
2Long-term and short-term insurance
4The Secure Life Group LLC Is dedicated to
providing you and your family with the financial
stability that you deserve. By providing you with
the opportunity to purchase a policy that will
pay you 100 of your base pay while you are
unable to work. We dont just cover you for
unemployment we also cover you for Long Term and
Short Term Disability, Workman Compensation,
Maternity Leave as well as Retirement Transition
pay and Military Transition Pay. We even have a
union election that will cover you in case your
union decides to strike. At this time State
unemployment benefits is as low as 235.00 per
week. Ask yourself can you maintain your current
life style on that amount? Or do you have to
start robbing Peter to pay Paul? Well no longer
The Secure Life Group is here to help you stay
whole, no more hiding your cars and losing your
homes because you lost your job through no fault
of your own. We here at The Secure Life Group
want to provide you with the protection that you
need. We are the company that cares.
6Long-term and short-term insurance
7Different Insurance Schemes Allows An Individual
To Be Free From Worries During Their Old Age
The Secure Life Group LLC P.O. Box 261
Markham Il, 60428 contact_at_thesecurelifegroup.com
support_at_thesecurelifegroup.com Contact No.
1(888) 800-5076