Title: Top 8 Carrier Oils Benefits and Uses (1)
1Top 8 Carrier Oils Benefits and Uses
- Buy Online Essential Oils, Carrier Oils With
Janvi Herbs
2Olive Oils Uses
Olive oil is considered as treasure from the
Mediterranean and used for centuries in cooking,
medicine and skincare. Olive oil is high in
antioxidants which soothes the skin
3Sweet Almond Oil Uses
- Sweet Almond oil is used from ancient times for
treating skin conditions such as psoriasis and
eczema. This carrier oil is high in vitamin A, D
and E, almond oil is very nourishing and
moisturizing making it great for dry skin.
4Apricot Oils Uses
- In ancient Chinese medicines apricot oil is used
to treat nephritis. This carrier oil is high in
essential fatty acids and vitamin A and C which
makes it an excellent rejuvenating oil especially
for oiler skin types.
5Avocado Oils Uses
- Avocado oil is high in fatty acids and vitamins
this oils is used to increase collagen production
for more youthful skin. It is a think oil AND
BEST BLENDED with other carrier oils for dry
skin. It is great for treating eczema.
6Jojoba Oil Uses
- This carrier oil is same as our bodys natural
oils. This oil is moisturizing without being
greasy. This oil can clog pores in some people
and it contains vitamin A and E which are great
for healthy skin. Jojoba oil may also help
treating acne.
7Argan Oil Uses
- Moroccans have been using this oil from more than
380 years. It is best used as skin moisturizer,
hair condenser and to cure skin blemishes and
chicken pox scars. This oil is rich in
antioxidants and vitamin E, Argan oil is great
for all skin types.
8Sunflower Oil Uses
- This oil is native of North America sunflowers
began to be grown for their oil sometime in the
mid of 19th century in Russia. Sunflower oil is
an affordable and versatile oil and is excellent
oil for eczema and psoriasis. This oil is high in
oleic acid and lecithin sunflower oil is great
for dry skin types.
9Coconut Oil Uses
- Coconut oil comes in the medium fatty acids which
gives it antimicrobial property which makes it a
great all around oil for skincare.
10Janvi Herbs Essential Oils
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