Title: Wordpress vs Joomla vs Magento vs Drupal (1)
1Wordpress vs Joomla vs Magento vs Drupal
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2Definition Of Different Technique WORDPRESS
WordPress is a free and open-source content
management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.
To work on WordPress it to be installed on a web
server, which would either be part of an Internet
hosting service or a network host in its own
right. For the ideas of wordpress-backup-restore
content. JOOMLA Joomla is a free and
open-source content management system (CMS). It
was built on a model web application framework
that can be used independently of the
CMS. MAGENTO Magento is a free and open-source
content management system (CMS) based on PHP.
The software was originally developed by
Varien. DRUPAL Drupal is a free and open
source content-management framework based on PHP.
Systems we use also works on drupal, for
knowledge management and for business
collaboration purposes.
3What is CMS ?
- WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and Magento are all
open-source content management systems. This
means they are software programs which create a
website for you without the need to have a
detailed understanding of computer coding.They
are designed to help you to manage and design
your website, enabling you to upload and edit new
contents. Control how, when and to whom the
content is displayed, and manage how the user and
the content interacts together. To get more info.
about the relevant content CMS click here.
4Difference b/w - Wordpress, Joomla, Magento,
Drupal The difference is that Magento is a CMS
developed specifically for eCommerce whereas
Wordpress Commerce is an eCommerce framework
that's bolted onto a general-purpose CMS.
Overall, if you want to build anything other than
an eCommerce site, then WordPress, Joomla and
Drupal are your options.
Advantages of - Wordpress, Joomla, Magento,
Drupal They all are open-source content
management system (CMS), free to use and come
with lots of free online advice.They help search
engine optimization (SEO) by creating search
engine friendly URL's.There are a lots of themes
to choose from these and can be customised to
give your site a unique design.Website management
is done via an easy way to use admin
panel.Installation is usually Straight forward.
Comparision b/t these two wordpress blogger
5Disadvantages -gt Here we bring you the 3 main
disadvantages of the followings
- Wordpress
- Unsecure CMS platform.
- Incomplete and inconsistent documentation.
- Includes complex technical code.
- Pingback
- Joomla
- Limited adjustment options
- Server resources and efficiency
- Paid plugins
- Magento
- It is architected like an enterprise Java
application. - It tends to be slow particularly on smaller,
single servers. - It is Complex.
- Drupal
- Installation and modification
- Compatibility
- Efficiency
6Conclusion Drupal, Joomla and WordPress are all
open-source content management systems
(CMS).Drupal and Joomla come across with many
more built-in features than WordPress. However,
WordPress defeats them in ease use of it, plugins
and themes. We came across that most
non-developer would find WordPress easier in
compare to Joomla or Drupal.For more info click