Title: Liposuction On Arms: Benefits Aftercare And Recovery
2- Liposuction on arms addresses excess fat and
sagging skin and results in slimmer, attractive,
shapely upper arms. According to the American
Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS),
liposuction was the topmost procedure in 2016.
The use of advanced technology has made the
procedure less traumatic.
3Smartlipo Triplex Benefits for Arm Liposuction
- Smartlipo Triplex is a laser-assisted technology
designed to help patients achieve their goal of
firmer, toned and attractive upper arms with the
least surgical trauma. The benefits of laser
liposuction on arms are
- Effectively addresses unwanted fat in the upper
arms - Tightens the underlying tissue
- Improves the uneven appearance of the arms
4Smartlipo Triplex Benefits for Arm Liposuction
- Can be performed as an outpatient procedure
under local anesthesia - Involves minimal bleeding bruising
- Less downtime and quicker recovery than
conventional lipo - Smoother, tighter upper arm contour
5Tips for Faster Recovery
- To promote faster recovery, you must
- Wear the compression garment as instructed to
reduce swelling. - Take the prescribed pain relief medication will
help manage pain, discomfort and tenderness
in the area. - Drink sufficient water to keep the body
hydrated. - Keep your follow-up appointments with your
surgeon to ensure that your recovery is
progressing smoothly.
Park Avenue Smart Lipo Address 128 Central Park
South, New York, NY 10019 Call 212-265-2724
888-869-2762 Email info_at_parkavenuesmartlipo.com W
ebsite www.parkavenuesmartlipo.com