Title: Personalized T-Shirts Printing in Australia by Designer Meus
1Designer Menus Australia
A dye-sublimation print where we print onto
transfer paper and we then use heat use heat
to transfer the dye onto materials in this
instance ceramic mugs we can also print onto
plastic, card, paper, or fabric.
Dye-Sublimation Print
Screen printing is a stencil method of printing
in which a design is imposed on a screen of
polyester or other fine mesh, we would generally
screen print when the print is large or the
detail fine.
Screen Printing
4Heat Transfer Printing Method
We apply digital transfers when the logos or
artwork is complex, registration is tight or
the positioning in a tricky position. This is a
digital CMYK process so their is no limitations
around color
5Raglan T-Shirt Printing
We can print your staff uniforms or promotional
printed t shirts. We print T shirts, aprons!
This Raglan T shirt has a print price built in
logo full colour to a max size of 100100mm.
Staple T Shirt Printing
6Thanks for watching
Designer Menus Australia
Custom Restaurant Equipment Suppliers
PO Box 1226, ManlyNSW 1226, Australia 1300 882
287 info_at_designermenus.com.au