Title: Keep Your Cooler Beer Cold with Ice Bullets
1We love our high-end coolers and wouldnt trade
them for anything, but just like all our other
toys, we want to accessorize them so they work at
peak performance. From a short 3-hour hike to a
5-day raft trip the Ice Bullet will allow your
cooler to be customized for the adventure you are
2(No Transcript)
3Ice Bullet 60 sec. ASONTV commercial
4Design Theory
The Ice Bullet is designed to fully encapsulate a
standard 12 oz can of beer and supply additional
reinforcement to the structurally weak end of the
can (Top of the can) while at the same time
turning the structurally strong end of the can
(Bottom of the can) into the weakest area. During
the transition from a liquid state to a solid
state, the expansion of liquid will take the path
of least resistance and if needed force the
bottom of the can to deform or pop out. Once the
transition from the liquid phase to a solid phase
is complete the now frozen solid beer can, can be
removed from the encapsulation of the Ice Bullet
and stored in the freezer in its natural
form. When ready for use frozen cans can be
removed from the freezer and loaded into a cooler
to keep other items cold or can be left
uninsulated for quicker thawing and eventual
consumption in a few hours.
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