Title: Scientific Writing Services
1Active Voicev/sPassive VoiceIn
Scientific Writing
2- What is the primary purpose of
- scientific writing?
To convey information
- clearly,
- concisely,
- objectively
3What do scientific writers across the globe agree
- Clear, simple, straightforward writing should be
the goal of every science writer - Direct, action verbs are better than verbs of
being , whatever be the voice.
4Review of the terms
- Active voice the subject in the sentence
performs an action e.g. Harry ate six shrimp at
dinner - Passive voice the subject in the sentence
receives the action e.g. At dinner, six shrimp
were eaten by Harry
5Advantages of Active Voice in Scientific Writing
- Emphasizes the authors responsibility
- E.g. The entire stretch of the highway was
paved by the crew (passive) - v/s
- The crew paved the entire stretch of the
highway (active)
6Increases Readability of the content
E.g. The hair loss was caused by Vitamin A
(passive) v/s Vitamin A caused hair loss
7Reduces ambiguity in writing
- E.g. To investigate the source of nutrients,
eggshell membranes were compared (passive) - v/s
- To investigate the source of nutrients, we
compared the eggshell membranes (active)
8Advantages of Passive Voice in Scientific Writing
- Emphasizes the result, not who did the experiment
- E.g. We found that annealing the films at high
temperature increased the voids (active) - v/s
- Voids were increased by annealing the films at
high temperature (passive)
9Presents the findings in a neutral, clear,
straightforward way
- E.g. We found that 90 of the energy in light
bulbs is wasted in the form of heat (active) - v/s
- About 90 of the energy in light bulbs is wasted
in the form of heat (passive)
10Take-away messages for scientific writers
- 1 Choose the
- active voice
- whenever possible
112 Use passive voice when
- The performer of the action is unknown
- The performer of the action is less important
than the action - When you want to focus on the action rather than
the performer
123 Decide what you want to emphasize and put
important stuff first
134 Use simple language and short sentences
145 Strive for clarity and conciseness rather than
fretting over voice
15To make your Scientific writing a Success
- Contact Us
- Email project_at_cognibrain.com
- Phone 044- 49595223
- URL https//www.cognibrain.com/