Title: Sean Hawkins ! Sean Hawkins ASI Capital
1Sean Hawkins
Sean A. Hawkins is a Managing Partner at ASI
Capital. Mr. Hawkins has primary responsibility
for strategic direction for all real estate
transactions. This entails structuring
transactions including asset and stock purchases,
tax-free exchanges, and limited partnerships with
unique general partner promotes. Sean oversees
the development, underwriting, due diligence,
deal structure, and asset acquisition strategies
for the Company.
2ASI Capital offers Accredited investors
portfolio diversification by focusing investments
on non-correlated real-economy assets. The
Company is currently focused on several real
economy sectors that management believes are
poised for continued growth and indicate a long
term need for private capital
3Numerous companies are positioning their
investment style and funds into the alternative
space. Referring to a fund as "alternative" or
"non-traditional" is popular now because
investors are looking for an alternative to
volatility and they aren't finding it in
traditional markets. Let's face it, institutional
investment companies and ETF providers know that
these alternatives are popular right now, and
most products out there are labeled alternative
for marketing and sales purposes.
4The portfolio stabilizing benefits of alternative
investments are now available to qualified
investors. Accredited Investors, like you, now
have access to a variety of private,
non-traditional investment funds funds like
those provided by ASI Capital. ASI Capital
offers private funds with fixed returns available
to independent financial advisors and their
Accredited clients. We offer our investors
portfolio diversification by focusing our
investments on non-correlated real-economy
assets, which are historically less affected by
the news of the day in stock and bond markets.
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6The End Visit www.ASIcapital.com now