Title: Dr. Aanchal Agarwal and BLK Super Speciality Hospital
1Dr. Aanchal Agarwal and BLK Super Speciality
Hospital Dr. Aanchal Agarwal is special interest
and vast experience in the field of infertility
and IVF. Her competence and deep understanding of
the subject gives her an edge in the management
of all infertility related issues, whether male
or female. Dr Aanchal's methodical as well as
humanitarian approach to the problems of her
patients combined with high pregnancy rates has
made her one of the most sought after IVF
specialists. BLK Super Speciality Hospital BLK
conveying different fertility medicines, so as to
deal with the everyday operations of BLK Super
Speciality Hospital, Radiant Life Care has
deputed the whole authority group including the
Executive Director, Director - Operations and
Planning, Head of Human Resources, Head of
Marketing and Administration. BLK Cancer Center
is among the areas' most thorough tumor focuses
of its kind.