Title: Advance Planning Funeral
1Advance planning funeral
- City Funeral Singapore Pte Ltd leading, Trusted,
Traditional faithful funeral Services Company.
City Funeral Singapore company connect all the
religion of Singapore people for advance planning
funeral. Our company offer advance planning
voucher for the customer and arrange advance
funeral services for its royal clients from last
20 years. We can arrange a perfect schedule for
the customer who are interested in these funeral
services. Our advance planning funeral work is
reliable for all the religion in Singapore and
Malaysia. You can come or visit at our office and
discuss how you can manage the advance planning
schedule for funeral services.
3(No Transcript)
4Advance planning Benefits
Welcome to our advance planning services, these
services as a funeral home service, are for your
loved ones. you can make arrangement without
any tension or free mind that make your
funeral arrangements advance in future. Our
funeral directors gives a description about
prices so your family needn't pay more for
this works in the future. This is good thing of
advance planning that give you and your family
peace of mind. planning and discussion with
funeral directors will remain on the file, safe
and secure and we can put them on at the time
of your family needs .
5Our Directors views
Its a hard situation to accept the death of
individual but its a genuine fact that every
life has an end and even it is harder to realize
and accept the truth or to be self prepared for
it. Remember our life ends at any time and
anywhere however, some people plan funeral for
their future so that they may eliminate a lot of
hassle of their near loved ones. When your life
ends your loved ones plan advance funeral plan
that will help your family members to avoid the
complex situation during arrangement of funeral
programs and thousands dollar of expenses upon
your loved ones or on anybody death.
6Advance Planning Funeral Philosophy
- Advance-arranging funeral
- Advance-planning
- Advance-arranging
- Advance -payment
7Advance Planning Funeral Benefits
- Peace of mind
- Comfort and save to your family
- Flexible payment plans
- We ensure that all your wishes will be completed
or fulfilled - The confidence shared with us and our team
8Advance Planning Funeral Coffin
9Advance Planning Funeral Flower
10Advance Planning Funeral Family
11Advance Planning Funeral Office Address
88 Geylang Bahru 01-2720 Singapore -339696 _at_
98892744 https//www.cityfuneralsingapore.com/adva