Title: Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital
1Aakash Fertility Centre Hospital
The city-based aakash fertility centre hospital
asserted to have effectively sreconstructed an
uterus in a 30-year-old lady from Oman without
precedent for the nation. Dr T Kamaraj and Dr.
K.S Jeyarani Kamaraj, both Managing Directors of
the Hospital, said Samiya Ali Mohammed, an
educator, was experiencing an innate condition
called Mullerian Dysgenisis, wherein there was
practically no arrangement of uterus. Dr Jeyarani
Kamaraj performs in the medical field of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology where she is
responsible for helping in pregnancy, child birth
and other related matters that have to do with
health challenges being faced in the reproductive
system of a woman. She is a well known doctor in
Chennai with over 28 years of experience. This
well read and well qualified doctor believes in
creating a reassuring environment for her
patients so that their well being and basic needs
are taken care of, especially when they are going
through pregnancy and preparing to go through
child birth.