Title: Pixelcube Academy
1(No Transcript)
- Pixelcube, one of the leading VFX and
animation industries , having most
modernized equipments and infrastructure
at its lab at V.V.Nagar has already
achieved a milestone. Pixelcube , since its
inception , keeping pace with time,
strode on to the pathway of progress
towards 22nd century , under able
leadership of director of the company.
Pixel cube conceived and founded by Mr.
SHEKHAR TIWARI In 2011,cmpoleted 6years . It
has offered greater contribution in the
field of VFX and animation industry at
region level. it has been our humble
endeavor to popularize latest technics to
create better scope for assured
employment opportunities in the region.
Pixel cube is determined not only to
convey message through series of FREE
SEMINAR, but it will ensure also that
services are reached to actual users of
the same.
- Career Courses
- Mega VFX
- Mega 3D
- Edit Pro
- PGDI(Program in Game Designing)
- Arch. 3D
- DAFM (Digital Advance Film Making)
- Digital Photography
- Modular Courses
4MEGA VFX COURSES ( 12 MONTHS) Advanced level
program in visual effects.
6MEGA VFX Advanced level program in visual
- Course Duration 12 Months
- Total teaching driven by the application of Vfx
in all fields like feature add films, TV
Production, Documentaries Fact is today no video
is complete without Visual Effects and Pixelcube
gives students the chance to enter a field of
their choice. - In today's competitive world a student has to
acquire and enhance job skills to stay ahead of
others. A student pursues his junior /senior
graduation degree and supports it by taking extra
classes and is left with limited time. So he
looks for a course which gives him/her a
multi-job option by investing adequate time to
acquire the skills. - Keeping this view in mind pixelcube Academy has
designed a Professional Course in Visual Effects
with more focus on additional specialization.
Students get practical experience own show reel.
7 MEGA 3D COURSES Advanced level
program in 3D ANIMATION Course
Duration 12 Months This program
covers training on Modeling, Shading, Lighting,
Particle Dynamic And
Animation, basic to advance levels of
Autodesk 3ds Max and Maya.
program in editing effects
Course Duration 06 Months A
customized course, designed to give students
an insight into the
post-production process.
Covers techniques such as video-audio
editing, compositing, graphic motion,
matte painting effects.
program in Game Designing
Course Duration 12 Months
10 ARCH -3D program in 3D
Architectural visualization Course
Duration 07 Months A 7
months program which provides you an
opportunity to make career in Architectural
Design with industry's leading
visualization toolsets. This
course will focus complete architectural
Designing including 2D Layout plan.
11 MEGA DESIGN COURSESprogram in Graphic
Web design. Course Duration 0606
Months .Graphic Design is a comprehensive
course that enables you to become a consummate
graphic design professional with strong aesthetic
skills and the ability to design across multiple
mediums for a variety of purposes.
DURATION 45 DAYSA knowledge-intensive
Certificate course in Digital Photography for
photography enthusiasts, the course explores
basic to advanced topics in digital photography
for wildlife, Still life, Fashion, Wedding and
Portrait Photography.
MAKING program in DIGITAL Film
Making DURATION 06
14Career Options
- CompositorMatch Moving ArtistFX
ArtistLighting ArtistPre-Visualization
(Pre-Viz) ArtistMotion Graphics ArtistRotoscopy
Artist Modeling ArtistTexturing ArtistLighting
ArtistRender ArtistCharacter AnimatorLayout
ArtistRigging ArtistFX Artist3D
GeneralistProduction Coordinator
15 Our placement cell
- Imparting quality education is just one part
of our job, - It ends only with helping our students find
the right - Avenues to put their skills and training to
the best - Possible use and our dedicated placement cell
continuously networks with the industry to spot
the right openings for you.
16 Our placement cell
17 Contact Us
- Pixelcube
Academy - Radha Smruti
3rd Floor, Near
University Circle,
Next to Swati Girl's Hostel,
Anand-388001, - LOCATION
V.V NAGAR Gandhi nagar -
18 Thank You