Title: Sexologist in Pune - Dr. Anjendra Targe
A De-Stress Mind Sex Clinic is symbolic of
the work I intend to do as a trained Psychiatrist.
Create much-needed awareness related to mental
health issues. 1. Cast out the stigma that is
associated with mental illnesses. 2.Deliver
ethical comprehensive treatment for the entire
spectrum of psychiatric illnesses. 3. Invite
active participation from the population at large
to come out, discuss mental health issues, and
seek timely professional help.
- Mood Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Psychotic Disorders
- Obsessive-Compulsive
- Somatic Symptom
- Sleep Disorders
- Sexual Dysfunctions
3Psychiatrist in Pune
Psychiatrist in Pune is rapidly becoming a
buzz-word on the search boxes of the various
health apps available, as people are coming to
terms with the importance of mental health, and
the various treatments offered by
the psychiatrists in Pune. The maxim, There is
no health without mental health cant ring truer
considering the global rates of stress, and the
resultant mental health problems like depression
and anxiety increasing the burden on healthcare
services worldwide. Depression lets talk,
the WHO theme for 2017 couldnt have more timely,
reflecting one of the most crucial areas in the
progress of mental health talking about
it. Mental health, and with that seeking
treatment for mental illness has always been an
affair casted with stigma since ages. This
unfortunate aspect makes people, even from
educated backgrounds shy away from coming out
with their problems, discussing it in the open
and consequently resulting in delay in seeking
4Sexologist in Pune
Sexologist in pune is one of the commonest
searches on Google, and other healthcare
platforms off late. And theres a good reason for
that. People are coming to terms with the
importance of discussing sexual issues openly,
and become aware about the fact that there are
effective treatments available, tailored to
individual needs, from a good sexologist in
Pune. The maxim, There is no health without
mental health cant ring truer considering the
global rates of stress, and the resultant mental
health problems like depression and anxiety
making up for the burden on healthcare services
world-wide. Stress related issues like anxiety,
depression, and sleep disturbances are always
tightly associated with sexual problems, which is
an often-ignored aspect. Sex and issues related
to it has always been a taboo topic in India.
Because of lack of proper sex education,
beginning at a school level, and parents
hesitancy regarding discussing these issues
openly with their children, sex and sexuality has
been surrounded by immense confusion, myths,
misconceptions, and pure ignorance. Such is the
level of ignorance and lack of awareness, that
ridiculous notions about its adverse impact on
the body and psyche surround even a simple act
like masturbation.
5About- Dr Anjendra Targe
I am a Psychiatrist, Sexologist and Addiction
Psychiatrist, having an experience of 7 years in
the healthcare world. I offer my consultation at
A De-Stress, Mind and Sex Clinic in Kalyani
Nagar, Pune. Apart from general psychiatric
problems, Sexual problems, De-addiction, Stress
Management, Relationship Issues, New-age problems
like Internet/Phone addiction, Digital amnesia,
and problems arising out of myths and
misconceptions about sex and sexuality are a
special area of interest. Ive done MBA in
hospital and healthcare, from Symbiosis
International University, apart from my M.B.B.S,
and M.D. in Psychiatry. Â try to maintain utmost
flexibility in my approach to the practice of
psychiatric care. Being non-judgmental,
objective, and compassionate is of-course the
pre-requisite of my profession, but I try to be
holistic and assess my clients, from their
life-story-point-of-view with attention to
various cultural, social, familial, and
environmental factors.
6Contact Us
- Dr. Anjendra R Targe
- De-Stress, Mind Sex Clinic
- Shop No. 6, Gera 77, Near Bishop School, Kalyani
Nagar, Pune 411006 - 9619328531
- askdranjendra_at_gmail.com
- Mon - Sat 11 am to 2 pm 5 pm to 8 pm
- Sunday 11 am to 1 pm