Title: Tatum O’ Neil is a Fighter in Spirit
1Tatum O'Neal
2Tatum O Neil Is A Fighter In Spirit
An actress and writer of considerable repute
hailing from USA Tatum O Neil is a celebrity in
her own rights. However, there are many
celebrities who are equally or even more famous
than her. So what is so special about Tatum? A
Fighter Lifelong To know why she is special it
is essential learning some facts About Tatum O
Neil. Adversities in life she encountered all
through her childhood as well as later could have
caused an ordinary person to easily breakdown.
3A Look at Tatum O Neil Biography
A simple look at the Tatum O Neil Biography can
easily convince anyone about the uniqueness of
the legendary actresss character and strength of
mind. Born on November 5th in 1963 Tatum was the
youngest actress ever to win the competitive
Academy award in the year 1974 for her
performance in the role of Addie Loggins in the
movie Paper Moon that had her father Ryan O Neal
in lead role. At that time she was only 10 years
old and one cannot but wonder at the display of
talent and maturity by Tatum O Neil at such
tender age.
4Fighter Trait Continues In Her Life
Fighting trait continued and by the time she was
barely 18 she had not only appeared in a string
of movies like The Bad News Bears, and
Nickelodeon both in 1976 and Little Darlings that
hit the silver screen in 1980. Tatum O Neil also
holds the unique distinction of being known as
the first girlfriend of legendary Michael
Jackson. Like childhood however, the married life
of Tatum was not happy either. She married famous
tennis star John McEnroe in the year 1986 only to
be divorced 8 years later in 1994.
5Despite such setbacks Tatum O Neil never lost
heart or her creative instincts and she continued
in various fine arts related activities like
acting in movies and TV serials and as writer
with bestsellers under her belt. She is
certainly a great inspiration for women
frustrated in life to take everything in their
own strides.
6Anchor Text Links
https//www.tatumoneal.com http//www.imdb.com/n
ame/nm0001575/?ref_tt_cl_t16 https//twitter.com
/Tatum_Oneal https//www.facebook.com/TatumONealO
fficial/ https//www.instagram.com/tatum__oneal/
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