Title: Phishing (1)
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2About Us
iZOOlogic is an internet company dedicated to
providing niche brand protection and phishing
solutions. The iZOOlogic platform is an
integrated suite of solutions allowing real time
intelligence into the online threat landscape and
provides a seamless 24x7x365 Global Incident
Response. iZOOlogic is headquartered in the UK,
with operations in US and Australia, protecting
major brands and organisations across the world.
3Online Brand Abuse
Online brand abuse varies from unintentional
brand misuse to significant malicious intent,
Copyright and Trademark infringement,
intellectual property theft and corporate
identity theft. Corporate branding can be readily
hijacked for the purpose of delivering malicious
payloads from a trusted source.
4Phishing Threats
Phishing is a leading source of brand abuse and
online fraud. Phishing continues to be the
mainstay of the cybercrime ecosystem with
techniques becoming more sophisticated, volumes
increasing and more brands targeted. Phishing may
employ a variety of methods to attack multiple
eChannels in a blended threat against the
5Contact Us
14 Hanover Street, W1S 1YH City of Westminster,
44 20 3734 2726
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