RPOIndia - The Leading Recruitment Process Outsourcing Firm - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RPOIndia - The Leading Recruitment Process Outsourcing Firm


RPOIndia is an Offshore Recruitment Process Outsourcing firm based in India offering dedicated Offshore Recruiters and staffing services for USA Staffing (Temp Staffing and Permanent Recruitment) for wide range of industries. RPO India’s IT Recruiters and Technical Recruiters are rich experienced that they can easily understand the requirement and find appropriate talents with the shortest possible turnaround time and the best candidates that has high success ratio of getting placed. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RPOIndia - The Leading Recruitment Process Outsourcing Firm

Offshore Recruitment Agency for US Staffing
Who we Are ?
R P O I n d i a i s a n O f f s h o r e R e c r u
i t m e n t P r o c e s s O u ts o u r c i n g f
i r m b a s e d i n I n d i a o f f e r i n g d e
d i c a te d O f f s h o r e R e c r u i te r s a
n d s ta f f i n g s e r v i c e s f o r U S A S
ta f f i n g ( T e m p S ta f f i n g a n d P e
r m a n e n t R e c r u i tm e n t) f o r w i d
e r a n g e o f i n d u s tr i e s .
R e c r u i t m e n t P r o c e s s i n g O u t s
o u r c i n g ( R P O ) i s a w e l l - k n o w
n m o d e l th a t c u t d o w n y o u r r e c r
u i ti n g c o s t b y e n g a g i n g h i g h l
y q u a l i f i e d a n d ta l e n te d O f f s
h o r e R e c r u i t e r s . L i k e H R O ( T
o ta l H u m a n R e s o u r c e s O u ts o u r c
i n g ) , R P O s a s s u m e r e s p o n s i b
i l i ty f o r H R , b u t s p e c i f i c a l l
y w h e n i t c o m e s to R e c r u i tm e n t.
RPOIndia is a Recruitment Process Outsourcing
firm based in India that offers Virtual and
Offshore Recruiters who are specialized in IT
Staffing, Resume Sourcing, Consultants Marketing
and Offshore Recruitment Services for the U.S.A.
based staffing agencies. RPOIndia started with a
vision to offer India based recruiting talent to
US based staffing agencies, our company now
includes other services like Resume Sourcing
services, offering expert sales team who can
market your on-bench IT Consultants
3 Steps for complete Recruitment Process Engage
RPO India Recruitment Process Results
Engage RPO India Here, RPO India Interview and
choose Recruiting Resources from pool of
experienced Recruiting and Staffing team. Get
them all with necessary information about
themselves and starts recruiting process.
Recruitment Process This is the stage where the
client and provider go at stage how can we both
work together to achieve the desired result?
Results At this stage RPO Indias leads and
managers here ensure that they deliver quality
candidates who maximize Organizational growth.
Contact us
  • 107, Panlee Complex, Sardar Patel Seva Samaj,
    Nr. Mithakhali Cross Roads, Ellisbridge,
  • Ahmedabad. Gujarat, India. 380006 Email
    salesinquiry_at_rpoindia.com Phone 1 (702)
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