Title: Adib Cure-Sela Square
1Sela Square
- Location 7324 NW Miami Court, Miami, FL
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Sela-Square
2Vibrant neighborhoods rely on a rich offering of
public amenities that support diverse urban
experiences. Public spaces, including parks and
plazas, are particularly important urban rooms
that provide opportunities for individuals to
gather collectively, creating a sense of
community. The project proposes a new dog park
for a burgeoning community just north of Miamis
Design District. The street edge is lined with a
thin, pink, metal building that houses both a
small café and public bathrooms.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Sela-Square
3A large passage at the center of the building
(modeled on the covered space of the traditional
dog-trot typology) provides a covered entry as
well as a space of gathering. At the center of
the parcel is the dog park, developed with a
secured edge composed of fixed seating and
landscape. The spaces surrounding the dog park
are flexible and meant to be used for a variety
of activities including temporary food festivals,
art exhibitions, movie nights, etc. The overall
project is defined by a pink, metal, screen wall
that serves to define a new, public, outdoor room
for the city.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Sela-Square