Title: Cure Penabad-Courtyard Housing
1Courtyard Housing
- Location Guatemala
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Courryard-Housing
2Located seven miles south of the historic city
center of Guatemala City, the project consists of
twelve courtyard housing typologies located
within a new urban development.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Courryard-Housing
3The overall site is an elevated plateau flanked
by an ecological preserve to the southwest that
affords commanding views of the existing city and
surrounding landscape.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Courryard-Housing
4The design for the various patio houses is guided
by two primary concerns. The first is the
exploration of the courtyard as the principal
organizing element of design. In Guatemala, the
courtyard house is the basic building block of
Antigua and continued to be used in the
development of residential architecture
throughout the country up until the Second World
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Courryard-Housing
5The new designs recover the use of the courtyard
in the development of new housing typologies for
the contemporary city. The courtyard is explored
at a variety of scales and compositions and in
each instance, it is a lushly planted,
well-defined, outdoor room that serves as an
extension of the principal spaces of the house.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Courryard-Housing
6The second consideration is the desire to relate
the individual courtyard houses to the
surrounding context by carefully choreographing
the designs in response to the particulars of the
given site.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Courryard-Housing
7Each new house capitalizes on the urban setting
by creating a unique sequence of indoor/outdoor
spaces that often culminate in loggias that
provide dramatic framed views of the iconic
Volcanoes in the distance.
Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Courryard-Housing
8Cure-Penabad, Adib-Cure, Carie-Penabad,
Architecture-Miami, Latinamerican-Architecture,
Vernacularology, Architecture-University-Miami-sch
ool, AIA-MIAMI, Courryard-Housing