Title: Motivational Speakers in Mumbai
1Acknowledging that the Mind is a powerful Tool in
2(No Transcript)
3The Mind is as much a tool in your hand as a
Chisel and Hammer in the hands of the Sculptor.
The sculptor uses a chisel and Hammer to carve
out a beautiful sculptor from a raw stone. The
chisel has a sharpness to cut through stone. With
an appropriate power on it, the chisel could cut
off just that portion which hides the sculpture.
4The excesses, the wastages and the coverings are
removed to reveal the sculpture that is hidden in
the stone. In the same way, the faculty called
the Mind has many features that is superlative
which cannot be met by any Artificial
Intelligence. It can be a powerful tool in
molding your path towards Excellence and Success.
5In seconds, the Mind could travel to any distant
place and return and even recall the experience
that happened several years ago. It has the
capacity to store several memories of the past
experiences and even retain opinions, judgments,
and views. The Mind generates thoughts in such
speed and accuracies  that ordinarily we dont
even see the gaps between the thoughts and are
drowned in our identification with the same.
Swami Sukhabodhananda says that Mind Management
is the need of the hour.
6The technology of the Mind needs to be understood
well so that they could use the Mind as a tool
rather than become a victim of the same. The body
has a number of faculties and Mind is one such.
But in real life, the Mind has become akin to
our identity. Breathing, Digestion, Hearing,
Smelling, etc are the several functions that the
body does These are just a few of the thousands
of systems that function in our body.
7All the hardware and the soft- ware for the same
are provided to us free of charge. No one has
ownership for these systems that are provided
free of charge to every human being. None of us
have bought it, installed it, downloaded itÂ
or even invented it. These are all independently
functioning systems that require no interference
from our side. It is indeed amazing that all
these systems are functioning with such accuracy
without human participation. These softwares and h
ardwares account for over 99.5 of all the
systems that function in the body.
8All these are essential systems for the body to
function and are given free to us. The only
software that we have created, the MIND is .5 of
all the systems that function in our body. What
would have been the Languaging of the Creator
when he gave us this freedom to operate our own
system called the MIND. He did not give this
freedom to a Dog, a bullock, a crocodile or any
such animal. He had given this only to the HUMAN
Being. The Languaging would have been I deeply
trust you, believe in you and have tremendous
faith on you that you would use these faculties
for the good of the Humankind.
9This is the tool that I give you in which you can
install your own Manual of Instructions, your
own Software and Operating Procedures and use it
for driving your Life. It is indeed ahonour to
have a Mind that is God given. The question
therefore is Do we deserve this honour? Are we
using our Mind in such a way that it is a
Manifestation of the Divine? Are our actions
arising out of our Mind in accordance with the
purpose for which it was given? This indeed is
a powerful tool. It can Lift you or it can break
you says Swami Sukhabodhananda in his teachings
quoting from the Bhagavad Gita. He is the best
Motivational Speakers in India.