Title: Hunter Hartman eCommerce Shipping Consultant
1Hunter Hartman
- Hunter Hartman is a senior sales professional
in the world of shipping. As market disruption
continues to happen across the eCommerce world,
customers look for new ways to save money and
maintain profitability. This is Hunters
expertise. Over his career, Hunter has been able
to find areas to help retailers save money.
Whether this is through better shipping rates or
new efficiencies that could be sucking time and
money from a business, he has been able to help
hundreds of companies. Hunter Hartman has been in
the logistics world for nearly five years and
would love to help you with your eCommerce needs.
2Hunter Hartman Consulting
Part of Hunter Hartman's job as an eCommerce
Shipping Consultant for Move Method is to bring
value to customers based on his knowledge in the
shipping world. In the three years of experience
working for Move Method, Hunter Hartman has spent
quite a bit of time in warehouses seeing how
customers fulfill their orders. While there are
some warehouses that are superior in terms of
automation and work flow, nearly every warehouse
Hunter walks in to presents an opportunity to
save money.
I posted this article below to my LinkedIn
account Hunter Hartman LinkedIn . I want to make
sure that I am bringing value to my readers here
on the blog. As an eCommerce Shipping Consultant
it is important to be able to bring content on
what is going on in the industry. eCommerce is a
constantly changing beast. You will think you
have it figured out and then you will have
another issue with technology, small parcel
carrier or the ability to make money with the way
the business is changing. This is why I think it
is important to always stay on top of the
industry and learning as much as possible.
Move Method has developed a comprehensive network
of strategic partners benefiting shippers who
need the flexibility of cost effective domestic
and international services to deliver products
promptly to customers. With expectations
frequently set on free shipping, businesses must
find the proper balance of carriers, service
levels and costs. Multi-carrier shipping software
enables businesses to optimize the strengths of
each national carrier, providing savings to the
business and improved service levels to
customers. You can visit on my website
When shipping and logistics processes are in
unison, clear outcomes and efficiencies can be
monitored through data. Careful analysis of
shipping patterns will reveal how packaging,
carrier and service level selection today affects
overall costs and profit margins. Initiatives and
goals to improve fulfillment times and decrease
shipping costs can seamlessly be tracked with the
proper systems in place. Tap into our fulfillment
warehouse network, spanning across the United
States and key international markets. Leveraging
this network of fulfillment warehouses, customers
are able to align service and sales goals
directly with their geographical footprint.
6Contact Us
HunterHartman.ComHunter Hartman
LinkedIn ADDRESS Ladera Ranch, CA
92694 INFO Hunter_at_movemethod.com949-436-7048