Title: Bookkeeping Services Singapore (1)
1Bookkeeping Services Singapore
- Weekly- Monthly- Quarterly - Yearly
Ag Singapore Ackenting Group Company is the
commercial hub of Accounting Services and
bookkeeping services in Singapore because we have
good knowledge of taxation, tax rates, world
class infrastructure and government policies for
the commercial purpose. A lot of employees
(accountant, Chattered Accountant, Auditor and
Senior Auditor) are hired for our company. Our
account and bookkeeping services work as per
the government policy and we also modified our
work on clients rules and regulation. AG
Singapore Ackenting Group is a registered
company in Singapore.
3Bookkeeping Statements
- Careful data entry and privacy of your
bookkeeping data record into the account
software. - Time to Time reconciliation of Bank statements.
- Focus and watch financial condition of your
company and business and then perpetration of
accounting reports or financial reporting
standards of Singapore. - Receivables and accounts payables.
4 Our Specialized Team
- We are Specialized and have an appropriate
knowledge of accounting and Bookkeeping services
for various industries. Our knowledgeable
specialist transact the complex account related
work very smoothly and correctly. - Best tailor made Solutions. Our team can design
and manage all the document as well as compile
all the procedural manuals to meet your
individual business and your company
requirements. - We provides experienced accounting specialist
at your premises, When you have an urgent need
for accounting and bookkeeping work.
5Accounting Job Scopes
- We set accounting policy suitable for the
business model of new start up companies - Client can choose our accenting and bookkeeping
outsourcing services based on weekly, monthly,
quarterly or yearly time period. - We hire a full time qualified accountant.
- We collect fees for review in just a few
hundred dollars.
6Get IN Touch
20 Maxwell Road, 04-01G, Maxwell
House, Singapore-069113 Hotline-65-93832464 https