Merchant Improper Directly Affect Your Business - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Merchant Improper Directly Affect Your Business


To acquire a customary Merchant Account, your business must experience go through a wide analysis process called merchant underwriting. Sorry to say but some Merchant Account Provider doesn’t satisfactorily underwrite businesses, which can rapid issues down the line. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Merchant Improper Directly Affect Your Business

Improper Merchant Underwriting Directly Affects
Your Business
To ac quire a c ustomary Merc hant Ac c ount,
your business must experienc e g o throug h a
wide analysis proc ess c alled merc hant
underwriting . Sorry to say but some Merc hant
Ac c ount Provider doesn t satisfac torily
underwrite businesses, whic h c an rapid issues
down the line. Merc hant Ac c ount underwriting
is c ompleted by an individual or team of hig h
risk analysts and in g eneral takes two days to
a week to c omplete, depending on the provider.
For businesses needing a quic k fix, there are
options that don t require any underwriting
but those have their own drawbac ks. More on
that later. First, let s g o over what
underwriters usually review.
Representative Merchant Underwriting Process
The vita l g o a l is to e va lua te the b usine
ss s le ve l o f hig h risk fo r the pro vid e
r. W hy? Be c a use o f a me rc ha nt a c c o unt
is fund a me nta l ly a l ine o f c re d it .
If a b usine ss is strike w ith a c ha rg e b a
c ks, b ut d o e sn t ha ve e no ug h fund s in
the b a nk to pa y it , the pro vid e r fro nts
tha t e xpe nd iture rig ht a w a y. Just b e fo
re truthfully e sta b l ish the Hig h Risk Busine
ss le ve l , pro vid e rs re vie w the fo l lo w
ing Ind ustry Type e ve ry b usine ss kind
ha s its o w n le ve l o f risk. Fo r e xa mple ,
a b usine ss tha t sw ipe s c a rd s is le ss inc
l ine d to d e c e ptio n/ fra ud a nd c ha rg e
b a c ks, a nd is the re fo re le ss d a ng e ro
us, tha n a b usine ss tha t se l ls pro d uc ts
o n the w e b . The riskie r the b usine ss, the
mo re suppo rt d o c ume nts a nd info rma t io
n re q uire d fo r re vie w . Busine ss Histo
ry a nd Po l ic ie s This inc o rpo ra te s ye a
rs in ind ustry, b i l l ing , shipping a nd re
turn po l ic ie s ( if a pplic a b le ) . O rg a
niza t io ns tha t ship pro d uc ts a re mo re
risky b e c a use the pro d uc t mig ht no t b e
d e l ive re d , w hic h c a n re sult in a c
ha rg e b a c k.
G et More information You can C ontact us
freely on this NO . 1 ( 888 ) 622 - 6875
. And website link https/ / www.
merchantstronghold. com/
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