Title: Cook in pouch- Food Packaging
1Cook in pouch EPACKAGING SHOP
Epackaging is the most trending site where user
get food packaging product for save food life
for twice time. Epack is an New Zealand
manufactured shop which now a days become users
first choice.
2Best Ever Cook In Pouch
Are you a backpacker or love to cook in the
easiest way? Then sous vide cooking must be the
ultimate solution for you. New to the term? Well,
sous vide comes from French which means under
vacuum, which refers to the process of
vacuum-sealing any food in a bag and then cooking
it to a very precise temperature in a water bath.
You will be surprised to know that through this
technique you can produce restaurant style taste
of your cooking which is sometimes impossible to
achieve by normal way.
4Cook in Pouch a quick solution from Epack for
sous vide cooking
Now that you are quite aware of fundamentals of
sous vide cooking, your next question should be
which container should be used for it? Well, you
can use traditional cookware for it, but here at
Epack, we offer multipurpose cook in pouch, which
are basically zip lock pouch specially
manufactured for sous vide cooking. You can use
it as storage bags as well. These are available
in both stand up or flat collections.
5What makes a difference in sous vide method
- You can find notable differences in four key
areas while using sous vide cooking - Consistency
- taste
- waste reduction
- flexibility
- Why so? Because in this process food is cooked to
a precise temperature for a short amount of time,
which turns your cooked food very consistent.
Proper sous vide cooking helps to lock in the
vapour, moisture, and cooking juices during the
cooking period. It also helps to preserve
products from oxidation. This makes food to be
cooked in its juices, which makes it moist and
tender, enhancing the taste. For know more about
cook in pouch visit our official page.
6Hope you like it and wish to soon join with us
here are bellow mentioned where you can easily
make your order. Follow Us Website
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Address P O Box 23726,Hunters Corner,Auckland -
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