Title: Rent a Laptop on RAC
1Rent a Laptop
2RAC is perhaps Indias first IT Rental Company to
have multiple branches at prime locations. At
Rac,we offer on rent a wide range of IT assets
like servers, Netwoking Equipments,
Workstations, Storage Devices, Back-up Devices.
3 Desktops LaptopsRAC is known for transparency
in pricing which is based on cost of equipment,
residual life and rental contract duration.
Duration could be as short as 1 day to long-term
like 3 years or above.
4Laptops Pics From Net or Website
5Contact usRAC IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.408 /
409, 4th Floor,Parle Square, Monghibai
Road,Above Big Bazaar Mall, Vile Parle (East),
Mumbai 400057Contact No 912233251000 Email
info_at_racwg.com Website www.racwg.com
6Thank You