Title: Daily Devotionals
1Non Profit Organizations
Jesus Saves International Ministries is one of
the Non-profit organizations spreading the Gospel
message of Gods love throughout the United
States and Canada.www.jesussavestoday.com
2Jesus international ministries
We are one of the Jesus International Ministries
who spread the message of God across the United
States of America and Canada. Connect to us at
(850) 232-0426.
3Spreading The Gospel
Are you lost and hurting? Connect with Pastor
Jeremy and Katie Empie who are spreading the
Gospel message to those who are in pain. God is
always with you!
201 High Avenue East Oskaloosa, Iowa
52577 USA (850) 232-0426 officestaff_at_jesussaves
today.com Website www.jesussavestoday.com
5Thank you