Title: Android phones 5 ways to improve memory
1Android phones 5 ways to improvememory
- One of the main reasons behind the hanging of
your phone is less memory.
2Without wasting time here, we have five major
ways to improve the Android phone memory.
3Delete the unwanted apps
On an average, we waste 20 of our phone memory
and to get rid of this habit you need to check
your phone for all those unused apps. Visit the
Setting section and from there manage the phone
4Know your device
It is important for you to understand the
drawbacks and capabilities of your phone and then
only you can think of utilizing it for the
maximum benefits. The best advice by the OnePlus
spare parts providers will be to not go for
resource-hungry apps.
5External memory card
6Disable the app
Disabling the app keeps the files and removes
app. However, uninstalling removes everything
that belongs to the app.
7Use high-speed memory card
You can get storage space between 2GB to 32GB
using these storage spaces. These memory cards
come with read and write operations too.
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