Title: T&G Web Solutions (1)
1- TG Group Inc. was founded in 2016 with an aim of
delivering high quality business solutions to its
customers through a highly competent team of
motivated mavens with a perfect combination of
technical brilliance, business acumen and
delighted customers. We have been able to gain
precious industry exposure working across
verticals Like Healthcare, E-Commerce,
Real-Estate, Education.We work with customers
globally in the areas of Soft-ware Application
Development, Mobile ApplicationDevelopment.
Digital Transformation, Quality andTesting
Services and IT consulting.
2Offer Best Web Development Services
- TG provides end-to- end e-Business, B2B and
e-Commerce solutions for different market
verticals to help clients excel in the digital
market- place. - Â Web BusinessSolutions
- TG provides web app Location development
services for complex business problems dealing
with substantial ial amounts of data and
transactions. - WordPress Website Design Development
- We offer complete, all-inclusive Word Press
website design and development. From a simple
brochure website to an advanced e-Commerce
solution with an integrated forum or membership
website, we can create the ultimate solution to
meet your mar-keting goals and objectives. If
you have something unique you Like to create,
well produce a customized solution thatcan
include custom post types, taxonomies, APIs,
and/or plugins designed and coded specifically
4Our Team
TG has a diversified team comprising of
Technical Developers, Designers, Business
Analysts, Project Manage rs and Customer Success
Managers having a combined experience of over 100
years working with customers globally to create a
niche environment of mutual success.
5218, 7 Westwinds Crest, Calgary Canada Toll Free
1 888-705-8290 Email info_at_tngwebsolutions.com W
ebsite- http//tngwebsolutions.ca/