Title: AIIMS PG 2017 Application Form Online
1AIIMS PG 2018
2AIIMS PG 2018 Application Form
- AIIMS PG 2017 Exam is organised by the All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi for the
admission of individuals in a range of
postgraduate courses such as MD/MS and MDS
programs. - The AIIMS popularly known as All India Institute
of Medical Science is an all India level exam. - The AIIMS PG 2017 application form would be
available on the official website if you are
interested in applying for the same. - This entrance examination is held 2 times a year
i.e. in the month of January and July for the
admission of individuals in a total of 166 of
which 150 seats are for MD/MS and 16 seats for
MD. - Out of 166 seats, 83 seats go to the individuals
belonging to the General category, 45 seats to
OBC, 25 seats to SC and 13 seats to ST category
individuals, and 38 seats are allocated to those
of you who fall under the foreign category
3Steps To ApplyAIIMS PG 2018 Application Form
You will have to go on the link
www.aiimsexams.org to register for the
- You will then have to click on Proceed button and
read the guideline properly before applying.
- You will then be required to fill in your
personal, qualification and other details as
mentioned in the form and click on Save and
After clicking on Save Proceed button, a
confirmation page will appear (click on edit if
any changes are required)
You will now need to upload your recent passport
size photograph and signature and save it.
You will now have to pay application fees of Rs
1000/-if you belong to general / OBC category and
Rs 800/- if you belong to SC/ ST category online
by Debit/ Credit card and offline by creating SBI
Bank Challan.
10STEP 7
You have to keep the print out of the form with
you for any future reference.
11AIIMS PG 2018Application Fee
For General/OBC Rs. 1000/-
For SC/ST Rs. 800/-
12For more details onAIIMS PG 2018 Application Form
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