Title: Best Accommodation Gili Air
1H2O Yoga And Meditation Center
- Experience the natura all around you while you
enjoy yoga center, located at the Island of Gili
Air, offering accomodation for your comfort.
2Yoga Junkies 4 day packages
- All these packages include 3 nights shared
accommodation, 7 yoga classes, a one hour
traditional massage a healthy daily breakfast,
beautiful pool to relax in and our "Good Earth"
cafe which has become a meeting point for
travelers and health conscious people. - There is 4 x exciting Yoga Junkies packages to
choose from ! - Yin pack also includes a 3 hr Yin
workshopBeginners pack also includes a 3hr
Beginners workshop Pamper pack also includes a
Nature bath, reflexology, manicure and pedicure
3Experience Gili Air - Bali Mind Body Spirit
The island's most favored activity is to simply
rest back and delight in the sheer pleasure of
being here. Most visitors swiftly slip into the
slower pace of island life and find Gili Air a
perfect setting in which to unwind and just be.
Whether at a beach side restaurant on a sun
lounger, or a secluded spot on the sandy shores,
visitors frequently find themselves drinking up
the stunning views, getting lost in a book, or
even writing their own.
4Visit Retreat Centers to Live a Healthy Life
- In this modern era, it is becoming very difficult
to live a balanced life. Many people find it very
difficult to make a balance between work and
family. They crave to buy every luxurious thing
to live a happy life, for which they work hard.
But besides it, they also want to spare time to
go to the gym, participate in recreation
activities and get 6 to 8 hours sleep properly.
As a result, they do not get much time to do good
things and their life become stressful. This
stress results in many health problems.
5Address 108 Buddha Way, Gili Air, LombokWest
Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia 81 220info_at_h2oyogaandme
ditation.com 62 87761038836www.h2oyogaandmeditat
Social Accounts
https//twitter.com/h2oyogalombok https//id.pinte
rest.com/h2oyoga/ https//www.tumblr.com/blog/h2o
yogameditation https//plus.google.com/1009311750