Title: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
1In- Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
2What is In Vitro Fertilization ?
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one Assisted
Reproductive Technology (ART) procedure wherein
the process of fertilization is done manually by
combining an ovum sperm in a laboratory dish
- The fertilized egg is then transferred as an
embryo to the uterus
- IVF is a huge boon for a woman whose fallopian
tubes are blocked, - damaged or removed
3Steps In IVF Cycle
- Steps in IVF Cycle
- Initial evaluation
- Suppression of Natural
- hormonal Cycle
- Collection of sperms
- In vitro fertilization of 00cycle
- Embryo transfer
4What Causes of Infertility Can IVF Treat?
- IVF is a huge boon for a woman
- whose fallopian tubes are blocked,
- damaged or removed
- Male partner fertility problems can be
- poorer-quality sperm, low motile
- sperm, azoospermia
- The other can be many such as
- Endometriosis, Low sperm counts,
- uterus problem, ovulation problem
- IVF can be safely performed for
- counts more than 5 million/ml
5Common Methods of Fertilization
1 Insemination In which sperm mature eggs
are combined and incubated for a whole night
2 Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) In
which single healthy sperm is injected into each
mature egg with the help of needle
6Graph of IVF Treatment
7Average Cost of Single Cycle of IVF
Country Avg. Cost
USA 12513
Brazil 4000
India 2000
Russia 3500
Spain 4500
8Thank you
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