Title: Bee Removal Company in Florida
1Welcome To Miami Bee Removal Solutions
We have been removing bees for many years. We
Guarantee all of our Miami bee removal and bee
swarm removal jobs. Our prices are very
competitive, and we give free friendly estimates.
We look forward to your call. We are licensed and
insured professionals. We will get the job done
correctly the first time, so you can have peace
of mind. You have made the best choice for your
home, and for your family when you call our bee
removal Miami Company.
2Our Bee in Removal Guarantee
We offer a 100 day guarantee on all of our bee
removal jobs. If we remove a swarm from a tree
branch. We guarantee that they wont come back.
Its location specific. That means that if
other bees return to a different part of the
tree, then its a new hive and a new problem
which is not guaranteed. Rule of thumb is that if
they dont come back within 30 days, they dont
come back. Our 100 day guarantee is designed to
give you peace of mind because we are so
confident with our work that we give the longest
guarantee possible
3Bee Removal Company in Florida
Miami Bee Removal Corp is a licensed and insured
bee removal company in Florida that offers safe
and cost-effective bee hive removal and honey
collection service. We have the most experienced
and well trained technicians who are capable of
delivering the best quality bee removal service
using the advance methods and equipments. Give us
a call today at 786-554-0245 to schedule an
affordable bee removal or honey collection
4(No Transcript)
5Contact Us
Miami Bee Removal Corp10710 NW 7th St.
C2Miami, FL 33172786-554-0245 Email Id
6Thank You