Title: Concrete testing phoenix
1Welcome to ACS Services LLC
2About Us
ACS SERVICES LLC is a multidisciplinary service
company providing Geotechnical Engineering and
Design, QA/QC Services in Field and Lab, Special
Inspections and Drilling Services to the
construction industry in Arizona, Nevada and New
Mexico. We have the Experience, Capacity and
Capability to set up mobile laboratories,
servicing remote locations.
3 Special Inspection Phoenix
4Our Services
1. Special inspection phoenix 2.
Soils report phoenix 3. Geo report
phoenix 4. Materials testing phoenix 5.
Concrete testing phoenix 6. Soils
testing phoenix 7. Compaction testing
phoenix 8. Perc test phoenix 9.
Percolation test phoenix 10. Pad
certification phoenix 11. Welding inspection
phoenix 12. UT inspection 13. Rebar
inspection phoenix 14. Grout testing
phoenix 15. Post tension Inspection 16.
EIFS Inspection 17. Masonry Inspection
5 Materials Testing Phoenix
6Contact Us
Phoenix Metro serving all of Arizona 2235 W.
Broadway Rd. Mesa Arizona 85202 Phone
480.968.0190 Fax 480.968.0156 Email