CBSE class 8 Science – Structure of a Cell - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CBSE class 8 Science – Structure of a Cell


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Title: CBSE class 8 Science – Structure of a Cell

CBSE class 8 Science Structure of a Cell
CBSE class 8 Science Structure of a cell
  • Science is the study of life itself. Science, is
    a vast subject, with many sub-disciplines that
    concentrate on specific aspects of biology,
    physics and chemistry.. Learning Science could be
    a difficult job if you dont create an effective
    method to memorize the hundreds of definitions
    and terminologies involved. In this Article, we
    are going to explain CBSE class 8 Science -
    Structure of a cell. A building block or basic
    structural unit of life
  • Structure of a Cell
  • All the plant and animal cells have three main
    parts cell wall (in plants) or cell membrane
    (in animals) and cytoplasm and Nucleus.
  • Cell Wall this is the most rigid, protective,
    outermost covering found in plant cells only. It
    provides shape and rigidity to the plant cell.
  • Cell Membrane - this is also called the plasma
    membrane. It is a very thin layer covering the
    cell. There are very thin tiny holes in the cell
  • The cell membrane or plasma membrane performs the
    following functions
  • It protects the cell
  • It provides shape to the cell.
  • It allows materials to enter and leave the cell
    through the tiny holes.

CBSE class 8 Science Structure of a cell
  • Cytoplasm (kytos hollow, plasm liquid)
    present inside the cell and filled with
    jelly-like substance. It occupies the space
    between the cell membrane and the nucleus. It has
    several different structures called cell
    organelles which perform the various life
  • Nucleus -This is a dense body found in the centre
    of the cell which control all the activities of
    the cell. The Nucleus is made up of the following
  • Nuclear membrane it is the porous membrane which
    separates the contents of a nucleus from the
  • Nucleoplasm the fluid present in the nucleus is
    called nucleoplasm.
  • Nucleolus Small spherical body made up of
    nucleoprotein. RNA are also present in nucleolus.
  • Chromosome Nucleoplasm contains certain
    threadlike structures called chromosomes. These
    carry genes which are responsible for the passage
    of traits from one generation to another.

CBSE class 8 Science Structure of a cell
  • These are extremely small structure present in
    the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is composed of many
    living and non-living parts called cell
    organelles which are concerned with cell
  • Mitochondria Mitochondria ( singular
    mitochondrion) are oval or rod shaped organelles
    commonly called Powerhouse of the cell because
    the production of energy from food takes place
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum It synthesizes, stores and
    transports material within the cell.
  • Golgi Complex it secretes enzymes, proteins and
  • Lysosome All cells contain enzymes which help in
    breaking down the various material. They are also
    called suicidal bags. Plant cells do not have
  • Ribosomes it is the site of protein synthesis.
  • Valcuole The space within the cytoplasm of the
    plant cell containing cell sap is called

CBSE class 8 Science Structure of a cell
  • Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
  • The nucleus of animals and plants differ in
    structure. The nucleus in bacteria is not well
    organized. There is no nuclear membrane. Whereas
    in the cells of animals and plant nucleus is well
    defined with nuclear membrane.
  • Prokaryotic (Pro primitive, karyon nucleus)
    these cells are bacteria and blue green algae.
  • Eukaryotic ( Eu true, karyon nuceus) These
    cells are found in all organisms except bacteria
    and blue green algae.
  • The following are the major differences between
    plant and animal cells

CBSE class 8 Science Structure of a cell
Plant Cell Animal Cell
A rigid cell wall is present. The Cell wall is absent.
Chloroplasts are present. Chloroplasts are absent.
Large Vacuoles are present and occupy a large portion of the cell. Vacuoles are either absent or very small and few in number.
Centrosomes are absent. Centrosomes are present.
Lysosomes are absent. Lysosomes are present.
CBSE class 8 Science Structure of a cell
  • Division of a Cell and Growth
  • Plants and human beings start their life as a
    single cell. This single cell produces billions
    of cells. A small seed grows into big plant or
    small baby grows into full grown human being. How
    does this happen? A cell grows and then divides
    into two, increasing the number of cells. The
    process is called cell division.
  • The cells resulting from the cell division of a
    parent cell are called daughter cells. The
    daughter cells resemble the parental cell in a
    number of characters. Daughter cells grow in
    their maturity and divide again. New cells are
    required in our body not only for growth, but
    also for replacement of old worn out or damaged
    cells. Skin cell continues to divide throughout
    life. But nerve cells do not divide after a
    certain age.
  • Takshilalearning offers CBSE class 8 Science and
    all other subjects in 2D and 3D videos lectures
    that contain an elaborate animated representation
    of the actions and reactions. Once you watch
    these videos and understand the occurrences of
    the Scientific world and stories, it will become
    impossible for you to forget those. Simulation
    helps you in learning as your all senses along
    with your hands involved while learning.
  • For more details visit https//www.takshilalearn
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