Title: ACC 423 MART Motivating Students to Learn/acc423mart.com
1ACC 423 MART Motivating Students to
- www.acc423mart.com
2ACC 423 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com ACC 423 Week 1
Discussion Question 1 ACC 423 Week 1 Discussion
Question 2 ACC 423 Week 1 DQ (New) ACC 423 Week 1
Individual Assignment Owners Equity Paper ACC 423
Wessek 2 Discussion Question 1
3ACC 423 Final Exam Guide 1 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com Question 1 Buttercup
Corporation issued 250 shares of 11 par value
common stock for 4,125. Prepare Buttercup
journal entry. Question 2 Wilco Corporation has
the following account balances at December 31,
2012.Common stock, 5 par value 511,
4ACC 423 Final Exam Guide 2 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com 1) When the cash
proceeds from a bond issued with detachable stock
warrants exceed the sum of the par value of the
bonds and the fair market value of the warrants,
the excess should be credited to A. premium on
bonds payable. B. retained earnings. C. a
liability account. D.
5ACC 423 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com Why do
companies offer stock options? What is the
experience of either your organization or an
organization that you are familiar with when it
comes to stock option compensation? Should stock
option compensation be included as an expense
when calculating an organizations net income?
Explain why or why not. If so, how should the
amount of expense be calculated?
6ACC 423 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com What are the
differences between basic and diluted earnings
per share? What are the differences between the
numerator and the denominator in the basic and
diluted earnings per share calculations? What
actions can an organization take in order to
improve their earnings per shar
VISIT www.acc423mart.com Why do companies
offer stock options? Should stock-option
compensation be included as an expense when
calculating an organization's net income? Explain
why or why not. if so, how should the amount of
expense be calculated? What is the experience
of either your organization or an organization
that you are familiar with when it comes to
stock option compensation?
8ACC 423 Week 1 Individual Assignment Owners
Equity Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mar
t.com Resources Intermediate Accounting and
Electronic Reserve Readings Prepare a 700- to
1,050-word response to the following
questions Why is it important to
keep paid-in capital separate from earned
9ACC 423 Week 1 Summary FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com Discuss the
objectives for Week One. How do they relate to
the practice of accounting and its uses in
business? Distinguish between paid-in and earned
capital. R
10ACC 423 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com What are the
differences between traditional and derivative
instruments? Why do companies use derivative
instruments? Explain whether or not derivatives
are a good investment.
11ACC 423 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com Why do
companies make investments in other companies?
What are the differences between debt and equity
investments? What is the experience of either
your organization or an organization that you are
familiar with when it comes to debt and/or equity
12ACC 423 Week 2 DQ (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com What are the
differences between traditional and derivative
instruments? Why do companies use derivative
instruments? Are derivatives a good investment?
Explain why or why not.
13ACC 423 Week 2 Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
E15-13 (a,b) , P15-1 , E16-20 , P16-7 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com Resource Inte
rmediate Accounting Prepare written responses to
the following assignments from the
text Ch.15 Excercise E15-13 (ab)
and Problem P15-1
14 ACC 423 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment P15-3 ,
P16-6 , P16-8 And CA16-4 FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com Resource Intermediate
Accounting Prepare written responses to the
following assignments from the text
Ch. 15 Problem P15-3 Ch. 16 Problems
P16-6P16-8 and Concepts for Analysis CA16-4
15ACC 423 Week 2 Learning Team Reflection FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com Discuss the
objectives for Week One. How do they relate to
the practice of accounting and its uses in
business? Distinguish between paid-in and earned
capital. Record journal entries related to
common, preferred, and treasury stock. Record
journal entries related to the various types of
dividends. Calculate basic and diluted earnings
per share (EPS). Evaluate the various accounting
treatments for stock compensation.
16ACC 423 Week 2 Team Assignment (Concepts for
Analysis CA16-4) (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com Prepare written
responses to the following assignments from Ch.
16 ofIntermediate Accounting Concepts for
Analysis CA16-4 Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment
17ACC 423 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com Why are there
differences between taxable and financial income?
What are some examples of permanent and temporary
differences? Why do these differences exist? How
do they affect the financial statements? What
experience do you have with either taxable and
financial income and/or permanent and temporary
differences in your organization or an
organization that you are familiar with?
18ACC 423 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com How are the
tax benefits of net operating losses (NOL)
disclosed on financial statements? Which is more
beneficial to an organization, an NOL
carryforward or an NOL carryback? Explain why.
What experience do you have with NOL in your
organization or an organization that you are
familiar with? When would a company decide to
forego a NOL carryback?
19ACC 423 Week 3 DQ (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com Why are there
between taxable and financial income? What are
some example of payment and temporary
differences? Why do these differences exist? How
do they affect financial statements. How they
deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
20 ACC 423 Week 3 Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
Exercise E17-7 , E17-12 , Problem P17-3 And P17-8
(a c) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com
Resource Intermediate Accounting Prepare writte
n responses to the following assignments from the
text Ch. 17 Exercises E17-7 E17-12 and
Problems P17-3 P17-8 (ac)
21 ACC 423 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment from
the Text (CA 17-1)(New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com Prepare written
responses to the following assignments from Ch.
17 of Intermediate Accounting Concepts for
Analysis CA17-1 Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment.
22ACC 423 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment P17 -1
And P17 9 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart
.com Resource Intermediate
Accounting Prepare written responses to the
following assignments from the text Ch.17
Problems P17-1 P17-9
23 ACC 423 Week 3 Learning Team Reflection FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com Discuss t
he objectives for Week Two. How do they relate to
the practice of accounting and its uses in
business? Distinguish between debt and equity
investments. Classify securities as
available-for-sale, held-to-maturity, or
trading. Determine when to use the fair value and
equity methods of accounting for investments. .
24 ACC 423 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com What are the
differences and similarities between a defined
contribution plan and a defined benefit plan? As
an employee, explain why you would rather have a
defined contribution plan or a defined benefit
plan? What experience do you have with pension
plans in your organization or an organization
that you are familiar with? As
25ACC 423 Week 4 DQ (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com What are the
differences and similarities between a defined
contribution plan and a defined benefit plan? As
an employee, would you rather have defined
contribution plan or a defined benefit plan?
Explain your answer. As an employer, would you
rather offer a defined contribution plan or a
defined benefit plan
26ACC 423 Week 4 Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
Exercise E19-6, E19-9 , Problem P19-1 And
P19-3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com
Resource Intermediate Accounting Prepare writ
ten responses to the following assignments from
the text Ch. 19 Exercises E19-6 E19-9 and
Problems P19-1P19-3
27ACC 423 Week 4 Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
Exercise E19-6, E19-9 , Problem P19-1 And
P19-3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com
Resource Intermediate Accounting Prepare writ
ten responses to the following assignments from
the text Ch. 19 Exercises E19-6 E19-9 and
Problems P19-1P19-3
28ACC 423 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment P19 - 2
And P19 - FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.
com Resource Intermediate Accounting Prepare
written responses to the following assignments
from the text Ch.19 Problems P19-2 P19-7
29ACC 423 Week 4 Learning Team Reflection FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com Discuss the
objectives for Week Three. How do they relate to
the practice of accounting and its uses in
business? Differentiate between temporary and
permanent differences. Calculate current and
deferred tax assets and liabilities. Write a 350-
to 500-word summary of your Learning Teams
discussion.Click the Assignment Files tab to
submit your assignment.
30ACC 423 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com What is a
change in accounting principle? How do you
determine if a change in principle should be
reported retroactively, currently, or
prospectively? How do these changes affect the
financial statements?
31ACC 423 Week 5 Discussion Question 2 FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com What are the
differences between counterbalancing and
noncounterbalancing errors? What are some
examples of counterbalancing and
noncounterbalancing errors?
32ACC 423 Week 5 DQ (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.acc423mart.com What is a change in
accounting principle? How do you determinate if a
change in principle should be reported
retroactively, currently or prospectively? How do
these changes affect financial statements?
33ACC 423 Week 5 Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
Exercise E20-7, Problem P20-4, Exercise E22-19,
VISIT www.acc423mart.com ResourceIntermediate
Accounting Preparewritten responses to the
following assignments from the text
Ch.20 Exercise E20-7 and Problem P20-
34ACC 423 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment P20 - 8
And P22 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart
.com ResourceIntermediate
Accounting Preparewritten responses to the
following assignments from the text
Ch.20 Problem P20-8 Ch.22 Problem P22-3
35ACC 423 Week 5 Learning Team Reflection FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.acc423mart.com Discuss t
he objectives for Week Four and Five. How do they
relate to the practice of accounting and its uses
in business? Differentiate between a defined
contribution and a benefit plan. Determine the
components of pension expense.
36ACC 423 MART Motivating Students to
- www.acc423mart.com