Title: About Punjab Agricultural University & Recruitment
1About Punjab Agricultural University Recruitment
2The formation of Punjab Agricultural University
was in the year 1962. It is considered as one of
the 2nd oldest college agricultural universities
in India. In November 1966,with the division of 3
parts of Punjab, Haryana Agricultural University
was designed away from PAU by an Act of
Parliament which was in the year 1970. Himachal
Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya was developed in
July 1970. The College of Veterinary Science was
enhanced to turn out to be Guru Angad Dev
Veterinary and Animal Science University (GADVASU
) at Ludhiana in 2006 . The PAU seems to have
presented an important role in improving food
grain manufacturing in the Punjab State a number
of folds share the status as well as ushering in
a time of Green Revolution in India. It has
created significant efforts in improving
livestock together with poultry development.
3In identification of the excellent
accomplishments in agricultural research,
schooling and extension, in 1995, it absolutely
was announced as the Best Agricultural University
in India. The Punjab Agricultural University now
possesses 4 affiliate colleges, Viz. College of
Agricultural Engineering, College of Basic
Sciences Humanities, College of Agriculture and
College of Home science. At the present time the
university is having 28 departments in the 4
constituent colleges, offers 31 Master's and even
30 Ph.D. programmes. The program curricula are
continuously amended as well as restructured to
maintain speed with the recent advancements in
farming and associated areas. The aim of the
university is to Quality in education,
investigation together with expansion. Creating
excellence manpower. Going through simple, used
as well as variable study. Enhancing
socio-economic problems of the agriculture
population via reasonably priced alternative
4Growing useful procedure to move information and
also technological innovation to farmers and
agricultural institutions by means of extension
services. Generating and then encouraging
suitable modern advances for promoting agro-based
businesses also producing self-employment
possibilities for the young people. Looking for
suitable ways to fix coming out issues and
complications. Punjab Agriculture University is
the most excellent university in Punjab. The
University also recruits the candidates. The
concerned applicants can submit the form and make
the future bright. To know about Punjab
Agriculture University recruitment, you should
visit at employment news of this
week website. About the Author This article is
written by Gray Clues. She is a career adviser
and professional writer by profession and has
expert knowledge in the field of career and all
other private and government sector. She has
given valuable tips on Govt Jobs India.