Title: Wedding Photographers in Mumbai
1Magic of Black and White Candid Wedding
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3Candid wedding photography is the one in which
photographer takes the photographs of his
subjects without them posing for shots, ie.
clicking pictures of events as they happen.
4Black and white also adds a lot of character and
story to the image. Especially if it is a Candid
wedding Photography. And I am sure you can
imagine it with an Indian wedding. Weddings in
India are very colorful. Every wedding has a
different storyline and treatment to it.
5And this is generally captured in the picture
taken by the Wedding photographers in
Mumbai, especially candid ones. Capturing the
bride and the groom in the most dramatic way has
always been a fascination to us. And black and
white photography has always added a lot of
glamour to it. These are the few examples to
explain our style and how effectively it
transformed an image into a story